Le Premier Tome is the first volume of L'amour Déshabillée (love undressed). The L'amour Déshabillée: Graphic Illustrated Haiku Series is a collection of illustrated haikus by Fine Art Creator Doris Faye Jones. Each volume has ten haikus illustrated with single page artwork and a second three-panel story page. The single-page pieces convey the overall theme of each haiku and the three-panel story pages fully illustrate each line of the haiku. Le Premier Tome features hand-painted symbolic artwork digitally enhanced by the artist. Lettering was completed by the artist using her own personally created font set.
Each volume has a 2nd coloring edition. This edition is the creator's contribution to mental wellness by offering a coloring book for the therapeutic benefits of art therapy.
Doris Faye Jones
Dori is a Creator using myriads of mediums. She is primarily a fine art painter and poet. She is also an actress, director, producer, comic, voiceover talent, videography & photographer; as well as spoken word performer. In 2021, she wrote, produced, and distributed her first full-length spoken word album with music she personally composed. The album is a companion piece to a tribute poetry collection: The Magic Man Collection: A Tribute to Van Bates, BLACK HESHER.
The Impact: This campaign will assist in launching me into the world of serial publishing. The illustrated haiku series with my artwork brings this poetic form to an entirely different level. The illustrations bring to life the personal and intimate meanings of the poetry. This also gives me the unique opportunity to share the vulnerable side of my creativity in a multitude of ways.
The contributions for this campaign will assist me with the continuation of this series, as well as enable me to transition to some use of digital illustrating. In the forthcoming future, it is my further aspirations to complete the illustrations for children's books I have written, complete the current poetic story collection I'm working on ('This is NOT Emotional Burlesque'); as well as other projects I have planned.
The Impact for Others: Art is Life. Life is complicated, challenging, and often downright cruel. The power of painting, writing, sketching, reading, movies, games and all things of the imagination bring joy to the human spirit. My artwork in the simplest of terms is all 'labors of love'.
There is a story within the stories behind every piece of artwork I've ever created. This illustrated haiku series was the first project where the artwork was conceptualized directly from the poetry and the meaning of the words. This was definitely a challenging project, but one well worth the time and effort as the payoff creatively is immense.
The haiku poems are brought into a multi-dimensional presentation that invokes the reader's passion for words and art simultaneously.
Just who am I?
Professionally, I've maintained a solid foundation and footing within the field of Healthcare; a successful career that spans three decades. Creatively, I've been creating in one form or fashion for decades beginning with photography at the age of 9. Studio portrait photographer was my only primary employment role outside of Healthcare.
I began filling notebooks with my poetry in junior high and wrote comedy in one way or another for much of my life. I was affectionately nicknamed, The Amazon Beauty in 10th grade. In 2006, I began my comedy career doing standup and used this as my comedic persona; and have done so since. This year, I launched two Webtoons series (haiku & comedy). I have aspirations to also formally create a printed comic series as well.
In 2015, I transitioned from primarily working on paper with charcoal to fine art canvas paintings using a variety of mediums, primarily watercolors. I also seal most of my art with a high gloss acrylic spray to enhance the shine, sheen, look and overall effect conceived 'in my artist brain'.
My artistic endeavors also include, but are not limited to, talk show host, directing, comedy writing, acting, and more. I've also been a ghostwriter to a few comics over the years.
In addition, I am Diva Dori of Diva Daily Living. "Diva Daily Living encompasses a myriad of human engagements of Life. Our topics have no limits. We do demand providing a safe space to hold for all survivors and loves needing healing, support and comfort. We're here to remind you that YOU MATTER & you can CHOOSE LIFE TODAY. I am literally NOT here for me. My creator put me here… For you. - Diva Dori
Risks & Challenges
Risks? Honestly... I don't see any risks here. Unless we are talking about the soul-baring epic levels of OH MY GOD! .... I'm going to let people 'get to know me?'!!!
In the general sense, this project is already a success. It is fully written, illustrated and the edition one author's copy is in hand. There will be challenges to the upcoming process of 'my first campaign, oh my God!'.
I will humbly be challenged by the intensity of self-promotion, networking, marketing, and letting people 'see me'. The honest real core me? would rather stay in the background and just create. I do have an upcoming plan to transition away from my traditional employment role in healthcare and more critically devote my time and energy to publishing, creating art, and producing entertaining content. It is my purpose and mission to share as much Art with others as I possibly can to ease the overwhelming exhausting experience of being Human.
Thank you for taking the time to give this a look. If you can't contribute, please feel free to share the campaign to get the word out using the Indiegogo share tools.
Otherwise, please pretty please ask me anything you may think of.
Peace & Love, Dori
and now.... BEND
and STRETCH!!!!!!!
At 50% funding, ALL backers will receive a 5x7 postcard of 'Sweet Girl' and a patch. The Sweet Girl postcards were created using handpainted artwork which has been graphically enhanced digitally. *pending finalization of postcard design.
*Final patch design pending.
At 75% funding, all physical backers will receive a set of 'Speed Dori' stickers.
The 'Speed Dori' Design by Dori; Design contributor and consultation by: Shae the Red: https://twitter.com/GhastLight
At full funding, all physical backers will receive a page of handpainted artwork (randomly chosen by me) sent with fulfillment.
150% full funding, all physical backers will receive an assorted artwork sticker page.
More than that?? To be determined! I am doing the legwork, getting quotes, designing images for stickers and MORE.
Can't back just yet?! DO NOT EVEN FRET!
Just show you care and share, share, SHARE! You can still support by spreading the word about my campaign, give my YouTube channel a follow, tune into a live art stream and just be You, boo.
and DEFINITELY.... GOOOOOOO sign up!!! for an account at for a free thank you gift from me to you.
****WORKING on my kudos high-five list of A LOT of Creators that have guided me on this path; WAY MORE names to add to this list****!!! so, don't fret if your name isn't here (yet):
For now, Thank you to:
Shae the Red (for getting message after message.... after message... from me, and replying always! with eagerness and willingness to give freely of your time and support); and our Speed Dori design is FIRE!!
CY.borg Valkyrie & Shae, Red Valkyrie: for prepping & hosting my launch event!
Thank you Aria Blackness for your editing eyes and assistance with fine-tuning. Thank you for all that you do for creators and the wisdom you bring to us all.
Special extra thanks to: Mike Jimmy Lortia de Bruin for keeping me company tons of times while I painted, always cheering for my success and inspiring me to become better, brighter and far more confident Creating my art in a whole NEW WORLD.
and THANK YOU Pops Van Zant for the infamous phrase "why don't you illustrate your poetry?" !