Le Projet
Kevin Martin (CANDLEBOX), Morgan Rose (SEVENDUST),
In an age where the value of music and how it is released to the world is constantly debated, we are trying to be as accessible and open-minded as possible. We are self-funding everything we do in order to not have to adhere to the rules, restrictions and guidelines of an out-of-touch record label. We have made our first two singles available for free in order to welcome you all into our world…and so far, you have all welcomed us wholeheartedly and with open arms. For that, we thank you all!
We plan to record more music and play some shows, but now, we need your help!
This December, Le Projet will enter Think Loud Studios in York, Pennsylvania with Mike Ferretti once again at the helm.
In order to make the most out of this and all that is to come, and in order to be able to stay true and honest to ourselves, to you, our fans, friends and family, we have decided to launch this Indiegogo Campaign in hopes of giving you all as much access to this band as possible, and in return you will help us keep this movement growing.
Le Projet! Vive Le Rock!
With Love,
Kevin, Morgan, Adam, Lenny
The Lowdown
We hope to raise at least $25,000 which will cover the costs of recording, mixing & mastering the next several studio sessions.
Recording in Pennsylvania this December is only part of the plan. The handful of songs we plan to write and record will just be the next phase in Le Projet's trajectory. We will release those songs similarly to how we've released our current singles.
We then hope to go back to the studio again early 2015 and write and record another handful of songs, and so on, and so forth…
All along the way, our goal is to integrate VIP performances and local shows wherever we may be recording, while we strategically plan out additional tour dates and appearances.
We understand that not everyone is capable of contributing financially, but you can still be a part of this and help us reach our goal by continuing to spread the word about Le Projet every chance you get! Request our songs at radio, share our social media pages on your own pages, and spread the word about this Indiegogo Campaign to help us keep this a viable band for the foreseeable future, regardless of what that future holds for the music industry as a whole!
You, our loving fans, can help dictate the future of this band.