idea of the Leafxpro became real when we decided that riding our
bicycles on sunny days just wasn't enough. We questioned ourselves why
people tend to use limiting transportions when they can have the freedom
of just picking up their bikes and ride as they please without the
stress of car congestions, schedules or overcrowded buses and trains! So we started
thinking that there had to be an efficient, durable, versatile,
comfortable, stylish, ergonomic and easy to use way to ride from A to B,
even with bad weather conditions.
During the last
two years we researched, designed and tested the best materials and structures so we
could create the easiest and safest bicycles umbrella: the Leafxpro!
need your help to speed up the manufacturing process so we can deliver
to the promise of becoming a sustainable mobility product and improve peoples lives.
Thanks for your support!
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The Leafxpro kit is modular so that the user can adjust the degree of protection depending on all kind of weather conditions.
There are two accessories that can be attach to the Leafxpro: the Storm Accessory and the Baby Accessory.
The Storm Accessory provides rear
and side protection to the rider, and the two side panels can be
detached through a couple of zippers.
The Baby Accessory provides
protection to children transported in their baby seats. This accessory
can also be combined with the Storm Accessory to provide safety to both,
the rider and the child.
After placing the permanent fasteners on the bike, the Leafxpro is
very easy to assemble or disassemble without the need of special tools.
This mounting process is simple and fast (about 1 minute) with just a few steps:
- The structure is removed from the bag and expanded;
- The structure is secured by fasteners to the bike;
- The structure is tensioned
The Leafxpro and it's accessories are highly adjustable to the height of
the user, optimizing therefore the aerodynamics of the product and the
comfort for the user.
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To create a protective material that is light, functional, easy to use and secure,
our engineers had to take inspiration from mother nature.
main goal was to create a product with a high performance form factor
and at the same time it needed to be resistant enough to withstand winds
up to 50mph (80km/h) so it wouldn't gain the umbrella effect.
submitted the Leafxpro to a lot of tests so we could find out the true
resistance of the entire structure and the most impressive one is shown
below where the entire structure of the Leafxpro supports the weight of
the bicycle without any dificulty! Truely impressive!
Aerodynamics was a critical in the development process of the
structure. It was essential because through it cyclists can easily
overcome the resistance of air, even when there are very strong
The wedge-shaped form factor of the front, combined with all
aerodynamic flow channels on the side and rear, provide a smooth ride.
The Leafxpro and it's accessories are highly compatible with almost any city bike!
Your bicycle may have a handlebar with different formfactors (straight,
curved or U-shaped). The only requirement is it must have a width
between 48cm and 65cm.
The Leafxpro is lightweight, compact
and easy to transport. It accommodates quite easily anywhere and it can
also be carried on the bike or on the back of the cyclist in a simple
and quick way.
Weight: 2 lbs. (+/- 900gr)
Dimensions: height +/- 30in (75cm); width +/- 2,5in (7cm)
Co-Founder and CEO: Teresa C. Lima
Co-Founder and Engineer: Manuel B. Miranda
Engineer: Bruno A. Magalhães
Graphic Designer: André Sobreiro
Motion Designer & Marketeer: Cláudio Barbosa