The DIY (Do-It-Yourself) PIXI Square LED is a beautiful 8"x8" can retrofit (5"/6") to replace those harsh, glaring recessed round can lights in your ceilings. First of its kind, the PIXI Square LED's edge-to-edge diffusion creates soft, even light with no glare, no flicker and no hot spots, making any environment a joy to experience.
First 100 Backer Special - 1 PIXI LED Square for $29 + $10 Shipping*
Buy 1 PIXI LED Square for $49 + $10 Shipping*
Save $37 - Buy 4 PIXI LED Squares for $159 ($39.75 ea.) + $10 Shipping*
Save $152 Buy 8 PIXI LED Squares for $240( $30.00ea.) + $10 Shipping*
*$10 flat rate shipping for any perk you choose
1,000 lbs. of Carbon Offset for $10 - receive a digital certificate for your pledge to make your earth a better place.
After initial stock depletion, we will continue to ship orders based on our maximum 120 day manufacturing lead time.
PIXI® Lighting proudly develops innovative, high quality lighting products for projects small and large alike. Having developed the world’s thinnest LED fixtures (thinner than the width of a dime) with an internal driver, developing new “world’s first” products that embody both art and science of LED technology can be a daunting task. PIXI continues to challenge conventional methods of lighting, visit to view our full range of products.
We need your support to prove square is the new black. For the more than one billion recessed cans in U.S. houses and office buildings only round retrofits are available –until now; PIXI presents a new alternative design like none other while simultaneously improving the quality of light. This campaign is only the initial phase in a series of unique product launches and your valuable patronage will expedite future prototyping, development and manufacturing tooling. Become part of the PIXI LED Square team by supporting this project for innovative product development of eco-friendly, energy efficient lighting.