Legends of Gyo is an MMORPG set in a mythical world ran by Celestial Dragons. These Dragons rule over the World of Gyo and all its inhabitants.
But dark days are upon us and an ancient evil has awakened and taken over one of the Celestial Dragons that once protected us. This evil will use and manipulate the darkness in this Dragons heart to lay waste to everything and once again reclaim its former form and rule over all.
It is up to you as a player to join the ranks of the Dragon and climb the ranks to be chosen as a Celestial Dragon. To join the front lines and save Gyo against absolute destruction by pure evil.
Will you join the war against chaos?
- The unique Art Style
- The story and story telling
- We"re an Indie Studio making an MMO
- The world and world building
- Games atmosphere and how it can change tempo of the game
- The dedication of the team and support from the fans
- Player to Developer relationship (we will be very involved with our community both in game and out)
- Our events will be play based not cashed based
- You play as a Dragon from the start (how cool is that?)
- More planned in the near future like special GM world boss clashes, etc.
Player classes,
Currently we need funding for several aspects of the game to realize the end goal of completing the project. Here is a list of needs we have as of now for the Alpha release we would like to have out this Winter.
- More content (players, enemies, vegetation, props, weapons, etc.)
- Refined back end for a better server/client structure to better enhance our player experience
- Licenses to software we need to help complete the project in a much more efficient manner.
- Get an LLC to create our studio entity.
- Server solutions to make sure we can allow our users to connect with little restrictions and limits we currently have.
- More programming help to better create a more polished game play experience with added features.
The above can be accomplished with the desired $2,000 goal.
$2,000 Breakdown,
- $300 for LLC
- VPS (sever solution for Alpha testing) $45/month
- $700 for outsourced 3D and 2D art pieces to better establish a more filled out environment for our current map for the Alpha.
- $800 Outsource an experienced freelance networking programmer to better refine our current setup. (should be roughly 2 weeks or less job by estimate).
Total = $1800 before VPS hosting. Which with $200 left gives us over a year of server hosting.
Of course if we get over funded we will use the funding to make more improvements and additions to the Alpha sooner than later, you can find these additions further down the page.
Our small team of dedicated developers and artist are the ones putting this project together from the ground up. We call ourselves Hidden Blade Studios.
We are from all over the World and yet somehow have come together for a project that we all feel has potential and we hope all of you feel the same. It has been a battle to move forward and have come a long way in overcoming these challenges.
- $2000 -Finish Alpha this Winter
- $3000- Release 2nd map
- $4000- Release 2nd player class
- $5000- Release 3rd player class.
- $6000- Release 4th player class.
- $7000- Release a better AI experience.
- 10,000 and beyond- Release more new features and prepare for closed beta development.
Yes, and we strongly encourage it. You are all the back bone to this project and what keeps us motivated to continue on. here is how you can stay in touch or even lend a hand, thanks!
Again we appreciate all the support we get!