AWARD: We won Viewer's Choice Award for the TAC Tiny Film Festival!
On December 4, Les MiseraBaristas won the award for Viewer's Choice, a prize reserved for the short film to get the most online votes. Check it out!
RELEASE: We're live on YouTube!
As of July 14, we are now on YouTube:
We have also renamed our production company. We are no longer HayleyMax Productions. We are now Sudden Idea Films. Stay tuned for future projects!
SUCCESS: We did it!
Our fundraising campaign is now over, and we beat our goal by $1 with seconds left on the clock! Talk about intense.
Now that we have capital, we can really start bringing this project to life. If you want to stay up to date on Les MiséraBaristas, follow HayleyMax Productions at
Thank you to everyone who contributed, shared, or even enjoyed this page.
-Maximilian Reid & Hayley Brown
THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: End of fundraiser at 11:59:59, Pacific Time.
We're so incredibly close. We're within a little over a couple hundred of our goal. We can do this. Real dreams, real people, real talent.
On April 5th at 8PM, join Hayley, Max and friends for our penultimate day of fundraising! This fundraiser, filled with live performance and good company, takes place the night before our IndieGoGo campaign ends.
Event link:
Sheddy's Beer & Wine Bar address:
361 S Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036-3124
Les MiseraBaristas is now over halfway to our goal! Help push us toward the finish line!
As of 11:59 PM, March 25, an anonymous contributor offered to match all contributions up to $250 if they're made before Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 11:59:59 PM. Your contributions now count for double, but only for a limited time!
Short Summary
HayleyMax Productions is Maximilian Reid and Hayley Brown, their bond of friendship forged over molten-hot drinks behind the counter at a bookstore coffee shop, grinning and bearing their food service lots. But like most baristas, they have bigger dreams than a venti cup can hold. Both have since cast away their stupid hats and aprons and joined creative forces to tell the world aloud what baristas have got: talent, goals, drive, and an obsession with Les Misérables that bookstore coffee shop patrons just don't appreciate. Les MiséraBaristas is just the first collaboration from this dynamic duo, who have enlisted their other talented barista friends to drag them all up from their coffee-stained, varying-degree burned obscurity and inspire baristas and the like with artistic vision everywhere to make it happen instead of just humming under the hiss of the steam wand when they think nobody is listening.
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal is two-thousand four hundred and sixty dollars and one cent. Yes, that is indeed 24601 (kind of - we liked a penny better than a dime). Your contribution of ANY amount will help immensely with various production costs, the most important being PAYING OUR CAST AND CREW! We believe artists should be compensated for their work and time, and while we have an incredibly eager network of multi-skilled friends willing to work for food, they deserve better than a slice of delivery pizza and a pat on the back. We are also paying our fabu composer Glen Rhodes, who is already working on an original arrangement of Les Mis music for our parody! You go, Glen Rho-Rho! Make sure we can pay him! You can experience his talent for yourself if you check him out on YouTube at or at
Other Ways You Can Help
I know, I know, you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry baristas, but you just can't swing it right now. We get it, we've been there, in fact we're still there now. You can still help! Use the indiegogo tools to spread the word! Tweet! Post on Facebook! Tell Marius' grandpa to open up his coffers! We will love you forever.