Short Summary
Almost twenty-five years ago, during another wave of antigay and white supremacist hate, a handful of activist dykes threw down the gauntlet: "LESBIANS! DYKES! GAY WOMEN!... We're wasting our lives being careful. Imagine what your life could be. Aren't you ready to make it happen?"
A multitude responded, giving out balloons to support the Rainbow Curriculum in New York, eating fire to call attention to the firebombing deaths of Hattie Mae Cohens and Brian Mock. In 1993, twenty thousand dykes marched on Washington and more than sixty chapters sprang up worldwide, launching Dyke Marches near and far. The Lesbian Avengers also took "out" gay activism where it had never been before — into the heart of heartland politics where they successfully beat back anti-gay legislation in rural Idaho.
The Lesbian Avengers 25 exhibit will
- Share the Lesbian Avenger story in real life, putting dyke faces and accomplishments out on the streets in several locations worldwide
- Incorporate local stories at each installation and collect new histories
- Create opportunities for intergenerational conversations about the lessons of Avengers and how to apply them in today’s political world
- Encourage new activists to put on their marching shoes!
What We Need & What You Get
Your gifts will help
- Print and ship the exhibits (About $250 for two vinyl banners) x 5
- Design them professionally ($800)
- Translate image captions ($500)
- Upgrade the Lesbian Avenger website to accommodate more video and interactive elements, so events in San Francisco can be shared in London and New York and... ($500)
The Impact
Since the November election, white supremacists and anti-gay activists have come out in the open, trying to reverse the legal gains of the last two decades, and harassing us and attacking us in the flesh.
Now more than ever, we need to encourage out, queer activists to build on our vibrant history and take to the streets, working with every group available to face this huge challenge.
At the same time, each tee-shirt you wear, each sticker you put on a lamppost or bathroom stall will push back against hate and declare, We are not afraid.
Risks & Challenges
The biggest risk is to do nothing, sit at home and hope everything blows over and gets back to normal.
Our plan, push back against hate as hard as we can. Your donation will help us do more, and do it more quickly. The more money we raise, the more exhibits we can circulate worldwide, sharing our dyke activist history, and encouraging people to get involved.
If we don't raise all the money we're looking for, we'll still do something, wheatpasting exhibits if we have to on the nearest blank wall, or stenciling it on sidewalks.
Other Ways You Can Help
Everybody can help.
- Spearhead plans for an exhibit in your area.
- Show the documentary video in a bar in your home town.
- Get the word out about the Lesbian Avengers 25 fundraising campaign with the Indiegogo share tools!
- Help collect Lesbian Avenger stories by doing media research, talking to ex-Avengers, or checking out an archive in your area and scanning flyers and photos or articles to put online.