Last night I found her sitting outside my house. I couldn't take her to the vet at that time because it was too late. Though I immediately knew I had to do something to help her. I fed her some milk and bread. Today I took her to the vet and she is feeling slightly better (I think). Please help her to get a new life. Everyone I met said she is going to die but I have hope. I know she is a survivor. She will be very thankful to all of you!
At vet's clinic today after 5 injections and burning liquid on the wound it cost me $13.6 (840 INR). I could only pay 500 and for now 240 are due. The vet said it will start costing less after two days, around $8 (500 INR). I don't have that kind of money on me but I really want to save her life. The vet asked us to come daily for at least 15 days. I only need around $150 for her vet's visits but indiegogo is not letting me do that. The minimum amount is $500. For this amount she'd be able to eat proper dog food everyday!
Thanks for reading. She still has no name yet. I'd love some suggestions :)
Thank you so much for your contribution guys! You're so awesome! Tbh I did not think I'd be able to raise $500. This a lot of money and I will make sure it is put to good use. Needless to say, every penny will be spent on Reba (that's her name now) :) You can track her progress in this album Let's hope she feels better soon, Thanks again!!