Short Summary
Let's Have an Adventure is the story of Terrence and his toy robot friend Jesse. Terrence is a college misfit who goes on a road trip after receiving Jesse as a gift from his parents. While on his adventure he meets Lauren, an escaped mental patient with a flair for fire. Together the trio travel cross country, according to the robot's whims!
Written and Starring Greg Poppa - I wrote this film after the director (Diego Brazzo) told me of an 80's robot he did not want for Christmas. I thought it was a funny image and wondered what the robot's story was. I've always had a passion for writing and story telling and this is my second feature length script. I'm hoping this film can reach people who really enjoy the story of a film and show some of the desperation of late Gen Xer's/ Millennials who feel a need to escape the restrictions of college, debt, internships, relationships... etc
What We Need & What You Get
What the money will go towards:
- Securing locations.
- Travel expenses.
- Distribution (to film festivals)
- Feeding our cast and crew members.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand if you can't contribute, but there are plenty of other ways you can help us out.
- Spread the word and share our campaign on social media. This will help us get the exposure we need to reach our goals!
- Volunteer to be an extra or a crew member. Making a movie is a collaborative process which requires a lot of helping hands!