What's this film about?
The films follows Jackie (Ken May), a morgue worker in a small town. Jackie's personal life, is one of chaos and violence! With more than half of the bodies coming through the morgue, is by his helping hand. This killer may think he's going about his murders under the radar, but a small town disgraced Detective (Shane Ryan) is hot on his trail.
- Shot in somewhat experimental way, this SPLATTER flick is shown uncut, uncensored and entirely too graphic to be given to a distribution and wait for a return... so we are doing it our OWN way, and funding the next project ourselves!
- Entering the indie horror world, we are met with the same slasher and remake. We hope this hits more of an original take on the slasher flick genre!
- Not to mention, this film is done... so don't picture what this film can be like... the stills, trailer and final advertisement is all from a finished film ready to be shipped out once the discs arrive!
Starring: Ken May (Robowoman, Tales for the Campfire 3) as the killer and morgue worker, Jackie! Shane Ryan (Samurai Cop 2, Choke) as the Detective, close to being fired and at the end of his mental rope! Doug Waugh (Grosshouse, Death Park: The End) as the comedic lift and co-worker to Jackie! Rebecca Vanguard (Flesh Eater X) playing the grieving daughter being lured into the killers web! Also, starring Wolvie Ironbear & Andy Moon! Directed by SamHel (I Cut Your Flesh, LoveDump, Flesh Eater X) with FX by James Bell of VeryFineCrapVideos
This slasher flick is finished, and we are finally unveiling it to the world. If you have NOT noticed, the film is also... COMPLETE!! So the only waiting around is for the indiegogo to give us your money... and then us taking that money and making the discs to then send to you! So, what DON'T you have to worry about?
- The start, filming & editing of an entire film... we already did that!
- Waiting to see what this film will be like or who will it feature!
- Will I get my package ever?! (let me reassure you below!)
I have directed over 10+ short films, 2 feature films and EVERYONE has finished, made it onto DVD & Blu-ray and OUT to the buyers and supporters of that film... Sure, they're delays but with your support on indiegogo, it makes it EASIER... to inform supporters of any issues or problems that may delay projects, but THE FILM IS DONE... the only waiting is for the discs to arrive and us shipping that disc to you!
What are we giving you? What are we doing next?
We are simply trying to make the NEXT film so, we decided to give an opportunity to get your hands on this film and let it be a launching pad to our next big film... IF we reach our goal.
- We are aiming for $15,000 for our next project... and IF all DVD & Blu-rays sell out, we'll more than double our asking goal!
You, want a SIGNED release? we got it, if you order from this Indiegogo! You want a prop from the film? we saved them for you! Trying to get your name on the NEXT project... maybe, we'll see!
- The funds will be going (obviously) to manufacture the DVDs, Blurays, Posters & then to our new project!!
Are there risks?
Are there risks? not entirely outside; we wanna jump into the next film and aim to shock people with this film! And keep them in awe with the second, and YOU can help out! Regardless, films take a while to make, and we didn't wanna wait too long to make it, so help us out by pre-ordering this horror film, buy props, share indiegogo around and help us reach the goal... Nay, help us go past our goal, and the more money coming in, the bigger we can make the next! $15K, is the MINIMUM goal to make it... imagine if we have $50K...Let's make it happen!
Other Ways You Can Help
SHARE IT! A lot of support that comes into indiegogos, and people reaching there goal is based on support and usually they have a name that brings that! A lot of our films are underground and reaching a niche audience with the brutality and graphic content... Now, we are trying to reach a wider audience and we NEED all the help we can get!