Lets take SOCIAL BACK!
Got your attention? Think about all the time you spend updating your social networks, entering status messages, photos and comments, friending, check-ins; you get the drift. You agree to their terms and conditions and guess what?! They areno longer your photos, they are Facebook’s photos! It is no longer your stream of updates, it is Twitte'rs! And this is all for the purpose of showing you ads in return for your social content.
This is YOUR content, not the social networks’ content. This is an investment you make in time and effort updating your family, friends and business associates on what is going on in your life. Due to the ease of use with these social networks, you are basically creating a living journal or diary of your life. Remember GeoCities, SixDegrees, MSN Spaces, Friendster, MySpace or Google Orkut? They all went out of business or closed down and millions of people lost their social content. Well, it is time to take your content back!
Take photos, for example; everyone is using their iPhones or Android phones to upload pictures to social networking sites because it’s so darn simple! I know of some people who have over 1,000 photos uploaded into Facebook from pictures taken on their iPhone. Crazy, but makes sense because it is so easy to do. Well, how do you download those hundreds of photos to your computer? That is not an easy task and it’s by design!
Photos are just one example; our goal is to bring your ENTIRE social network content back to you. Just think about pulling back all of the comments on your photos or all of your status messages. Even better, think about pulling back contact information on all of your friends and business associates! And even better, no sponsored ads in the application! That is just awesome!
The Pitch
Well, for some reason, the social networking sites think they own your content. NOPE. Well, it is a part of the user agreement you clicked when you signed up for their service. But, it is YOUR content and you need it back. socialsync is the tool that allows you to preserve and manage your social network life. Just imagine having all the messages you post across all those social networking sites available as your own personal timeline. That is cool!
As you can imagine, everything will be searchable so you can quickly find information you are looking for. Want to get to a specific photo? Click it and we’ll take you to the Pictures folder where that photo is stored on your computer. Google Picasa, or whichever photo software you use can now index all of those photos. All of your social content can easily be managed and maintained in socialsync on your computer. Beautiful!
Another great feature will be the ability to sync all your social friends and associate contact information right to your computer as vCards. What is a vCard you may ask? It is basically the business card for each of your contacts. If your friends included their contact information like phone, email and mailing address, that will be automatically pulled to your computer and available in your other software programs. Connected!
How will we do it? socialsync can manage all your social network accounts, connecting to those services, pulling your content and saving it to your Windows PC or MAC computers. Information is sync’d directly from those social networks onto your computer. You can setup syncing frequency for each service and socialsync will do it for you behind the scenes. Simple! You can even backup your content to cloud services like Dropbox, Microsoft Skydrive and Google Drive, and easily access it on your smartphone too!
Oh yeah, we will also have an iPhone and Android version available at a later date.
socialsync will be a commercial piece of software available for the Windows and MAC operating systems. There will be two versions of the software, Facebook and All Social Editions. The Facebook edition is just for Facebook and the All Social edition includes all social networking platforms (linkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ for now). We are estimating a cost of $5.95 (USD) for the Facebook Edition and $10.95 for the All Social version.
Funding Uses
We have a working prototype for Windows that connects to Facebook and is already sync’ing content. This has been funded out-of-pocket and developed as time permits. When you develop part-time, you get part-time software. We want to make this the perfect piece of software found on your Windows or MAC computers. We thought it would be great to offer an opportunity to Indiegogo members to participate and help us finish out this much needed software.
Development: Funds will be used to add full-time developers to our team, in order to build out content syncs for other social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Instagram. We’ll have a couple of developers focused on the Windows development and a few others focused on MAC development, as we believe we need to supply software for both operating systems.
Product Marketing: Funds will also be used for product marketing to get the word out in a BIG WAY, as we believe this is an important piece of software everyone should be utilizing in the social networking space.
How long will it take?
Since our prototype was first completed in Windows utilizing Facebook, our tentative plan is to release a beta 10 weeks after funding. The MAC version should take 10 to 12 weeks. Then, every 5 to 6 weeks, we will send out FREE updates that will include new social networking platforms and minor features.
Does more funding mean more stuff?
Absolutely! We can hire a bigger and more diverse team so that we can add support for more languages and potentially even cooler things than we’ve discussed here. We have a roadmap of ideas of making socialsync the center of your social networking universe. So, if we get overfunded, we will be able to provide even more features quicker to our community of supporters.
Can I Participate?
You bet! Our Indiegogo founders will be actively involved in the development and beta testing of our software. Software is never designed and built just by developers; you need an active community to participate. We figured if you have a vested interested, you will provide great feedback, too! We look forward to working with you on socialsync.