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Liberland Settlement Association

Peace, Progress & Prosperity

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Liberland Settlement Association

Liberland Settlement Association

Liberland Settlement Association

Liberland Settlement Association

Liberland Settlement Association

Peace, Progress & Prosperity

Peace, Progress & Prosperity

Peace, Progress & Prosperity

Peace, Progress & Prosperity

Niklas Nikolajsen
Niklas Nikolajsen
Niklas Nikolajsen
Niklas Nikolajsen
1 Campaign |
Baar, Switzerland
$634 USD 16 backers
2% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Liberland Settlement Association

The Liberland settlement Association is a Swiss non-profit association and Liberlandian NGO, accepting members from all over the world - which works on- and off-site to realize the vision of Liberland; a semi-autonomous Free-trade zone on the Danube - founded in no-man's land, built on principles of individual rights and freedom.

The LSA with some 300 members - and a permanent staff both on- and off site, constitute one of the largest and oldest organizations in the Liberland movement.

On-site since April 2015, our aim is to pave the way for Liberland, both practically, legally and politically. We are most known for our very public settler/activist events which are designed to show the world that Liberland is a serious and determined movement, although these events is but a very minor part of our operations.

We are a non-political organization, a private NGO (non-government organization) and are not a part of the organization referred to as the Liberland government - although we do support each and every organization or private person which works for the recognition for Liberland.

The LSA has a thoroughly practical and non-political approach to the establishment of Liberland, working mostly on-site and with the local and regional population and authorities, as well as the legal and property sides of the equation

Our organization has its on-site headquarters in a number of houses in Bezdan, Serbia, just off Liberland. The HQ is made up of several houses, a small harbor - boats, cars and is maintained by a permanent staff.
We also have our international office in Zug, Switzerland, and  we are establishing an office in Osijek, Croatia

Stated purpose of the LSA

The 'Liberland Settlement Association' (LSA) is an idealistically founded non-profit association, dedicated to the practical work of establishing a free and semi-sovereign Liberland nation/free-trade zone, and establishing a permanent settlement within it.

  • To maintain a permanent settlement in the area - preferably on Liberland.
  • To ensure that settlers have the facilities, tools and support with which to work.
  • To build the legal foundation for Liberland, and to provide full legal support and assistance for settlers.
  • To spread information about Liberland locally, regionally - and around the world.
  • To reach agreements with private landowners in the Liberland/Siga area in regards to purchase, ownership, and use.
  •  To reach an agreement with neighboring states in regards to the creation of a semi-autonomous free-trade zone, and to enforce these agreements.
  • To show the world that the Liberland movement is serious, and not an "internet joke".

What is it your support will be used for?

Your support will be used for the daily and extraordinary running costs of the LSA.
Since April, we have proved to be a both cost effective and well run organization.

With a fixed permanent staff - supported by dedicated volunteers, and with a board which approves extraordinary expenditures, we have realized establishing a base in Serbia, establishing a staging point on the Danube, bought and maintained several boats and cars, drones, sourced a complete army field camp including generators, water supply and field sanitation - and much more.

One of our main costs are legal costs, both in providing legal support and representation for our settlers, obtaining needed licenses, creating local legal entities, paying fines associated with settler-activism. Our legal costs are well above those of our secondary costs, such as housing, food and petrol.

  • Rent of properties
  • Basic food supplies for HQ and Base Camp
  • Needed tools for the operation on- and off-site 
  • Repair and maintenance costs
  • Transportation costs & fuel
  • Legal costs
  • Printed material & PR costs
  • Local level salaries for locally sourced permanent staff
What your donated funds will NOT be used for:
  • Personal gain of LSA staff or members - directly or indirectly
  • Unneeded excess or luxury items
  • Alcohol and social activities outside of community dinners
  • Purchase of real estate/land in the Liberland/Siga picked (managed by the Liberland Settlement Corporation)

Café Liberland

If our fund raising is successful, the Croatian legal entity of the LSA will lease a working café in Osijek, Croatia - and change it into Café Liberland.

The café will be manned by properly educated volunteers, living on-site in Osijek, and act as a working café, serving both food and drink to all guests, hopefully becoming completely expense neutral or even profitable.

It will act as a focal point for Liberland related activities in Eastern Croatia - and help to act as a local 'embassy' in spreading the message of Liberland.

Verifiable Responsible management 

Often with non-profits and crowd funding projects, it can be hard to trust the receiving entity - and if the stated goals and beneficiaries are indeed those listed.

However, with the LSA, we have several months of documented and verifable work behind us - and we are thus a proven organization, worthy of your trust. We have also maintained the same core team & staff throughout the lifetime of our project and existence.
We encourage potential sponsors to do due-diligence on us and our work, stretching back all the way to April. A good place to start is our FB-group:

Should you want further information about our work, we will be happy to answer any questions on

Bank Transfers

You can also donate via bank transfers (SEPA / Int. Wire) directly to the bank account of the LSA. The banking information is as follows:

Beneficiary: BTCS Payment Services Ltd, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland
IBAN: LI76 0880 1200 4731 0181 4
Account: 200.473.101814
Bank: BANK ALPINUM AG, Austrasse 59, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Reference/Message: LSA

NB. If you support via a bank transfer, but would like any of the perks for which you qualify, please let us know at


Yes - you can donate via Bitcoin. It is actually our favorite currency and means of donation. Our donation addresss:

NB. If you support via a bank transfer, but would like any of the perks for which you qualify, please let us know at


We have naturally added some perks in appreciation of donations to our cause.

Legal, Risks and Challenges

The LSA is a legally formed, limited liability Swiss non-profit association, with bank accounts and offices in Switzerland and Serbia (hopefully soon also on Liberty Island, Liberland).

Donating to the LSA is perfectly legal in just about any jurisdiction in the world. It is however not tax deductible, as the LSA is not a recognized charitable organization.

It should also be noted that although we do our best - along with many others, to make Liberland a reality, there is currently no guarantee that we will succeed.

Currently the Liberland project is meeting resistance on the part of Croatian authorities, and we make no secret of this. Making Liberland happen is not an overnight project, and will take the convincing of all stakeholders, especially but not only the neighboring nation states, that Liberland is a good idea which will benefit everyone.

Other ways you can help

The LSA is on constant lookout for volunteers, especially volunteers to stay long term on-site (we supply you with a bed, food - and tasks and the tools needed for them), but also capable people off-site, to participate in our legal team, our PR-team, our Infrastructure team etc. 

To learn more about joining the LSA as a volunteer, see our FB-page or contact us on

We are grateful for your contribution and will strive to manage it responsibly - and put it to the good use for the furthering and realization of the Liberland project!

/Niklas Nikolajsen - Chairman
/Ben Müller - CFO
/Kenneth Lillieholm - On-Site Chief
/Nicolai Oster - Assisting On-Site Manager

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Liberland Car Sticker

$25 USD
We will send you a Liberland Car sticker, so that you can proudly spread the message of Liberland wherever you go.
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Postcard from Liberland HQ

$50 USD
We will send you a Liberland post card with a personal thank you message - signed by the on-site LSA staff.
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Visit HQ / See Liberland

$150 USD
Sponsors and benefactors of the LSA are welcome to take advantage of an all-inclusive offer to visit and stay at our Serbian HQ for a weekend - and see how the LSA operates. We'll also be happy to take you on a boat trip on the Danube and show you Liberland itself.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Personalized "Thank you" Video

$250 USD
You get a personalized (to you - or your company/organization) "thank you" video, filmed by the LSA on-site crew.
0 claimed

Sand from Liberty Island

$750 USD
On a visit to Liberty Island, Liberland, LSA settlers extracted two small bags of white sand from the beach of Liberty Island. We would like to ship two large benefactors to the cause of Liberland a bag of sand, along with a thank you note and a certificate of authenticity, signed by our chairman, Niklas Nikolajsen.
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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