Here's the story of how Life in Synchro came to be...
The film director, Angela Pinaglia, was working hard on her MFA in Film at American University where she met the film's producer, Nicole Davies. Nicole was also studying communications at American University. Nicole grew up a synchronized skater, so while she was focusing on her studies she never lost sight of her true passion.
Nicole would talk and talk and talk about synchro, but all the chatter went in one ear and out the other for Angela. That is, until one day, she attended DC EDGE's Nationals Send-Off Exhibition and everything changed...
As soon as Angela saw the teams skate she knew the sport was something special and there was a story that needed to be told, so she got to work right away capturing the sport's beauty and character on film.
Our first IndieGoGo
We launched our first IndieGoGo back in 2017 and raised an incredible $10,993 from 133 supporters. We are so thankful for each and every one of our initial supporters who believed in our project from the very beginning. Over the past two years we were able to put those funds to good use. Angela, Nicole, and the film's co-director of photography, Sarah Nelson, were able to travel to Michigan, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Connecticut, and New York on numerous occasions. In addition to traveling and filming, we've brainstormed, storyboarded, interviewed, researched, and edited. We've also been able to purchase specialty film equipment to capture the speed and grace on ice that can be hard to convey on camera.
We have accomplished so much in the past two years. We recently screened a 51 minute rough cut of the documentary in Takoma Park, MD. The wonderful feedback we received from the audience at the screening and other early viewers has given us momentum to keep refining the story and dream big for it's future.
We have big plans for the future of this film
Although we are now done with filming, there's still a lot we'd like to do to make this film the best possible version of itself. We need to:
- license music and/or hire a composer for an original score
- complete titles and graphics
- color correct
- sound mix
- design a film poster and marketing materials
- submit to film festivals
We plan to enter this film into festivals like Sundance and Tribeca, festivals that will give synchro huge exposure and put it on the map. In order to make a splash, we need to produce the best quality film possible, and that requires resources. We have been working hard and utilizing all the resources we can, but now we need your help to bring us over the finish line!
Here's how you can help
If you have the skills or knowledge (or know someone else who has the skills or knowledge) to help with the above tasks, please reach out at We'd also love donations of any kind, large or small. And finally, please spread the word! Tell your friends and family about this amazing story that we want to share with the world.