
LIFESABER: Power Supply For Wilderness Survival

LIFESABER: Power Supply For Wilderness Survival

LIFESABER: Power Supply For Wilderness Survival

LIFESABER: Power Supply For Wilderness Survival

LIFESABER: Power Supply For Wilderness Survival

Comes with breakthrough USB power generator, light/siren, UV water purifier and plasma firestarter.

Comes with breakthrough USB power generator, light/siren, UV water purifier and plasma firestarter.

Comes with breakthrough USB power generator, light/siren, UV water purifier and plasma firestarter.

Comes with breakthrough USB power generator, light/siren, UV water purifier and plasma firestarter.

Marvin Weinberger
Marvin Weinberger
Marvin Weinberger
Marvin Weinberger
1 Campaign |
Havertown, United States
$228,356 USD by 1,531 backers
$171,863 USD by 1,205 backers on Oct 11, 2019 with another platform
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Star Filled Gear Up for Outdoor Adventures Star Filled Gear Up for Outdoor Adventures

Never be without power...

LIFESABER is the ultimate companion for backcountry survival. We believe it will become your 'mechatronic multitool' for every emergency. 



Not only is the LIFESABER an inexhaustible cell phone recharger, but it also functions as the hub for energizing custom accessories. These snap-in tools are compact, lightweight, reliable - and less expensive - because there are no redundant parts.



Ultimately, you can enjoy the wilderness, without worrying about whether or not your cell phone battery will survive the trip.

Let’s be honest, your mobile phone is an essential tool in case of an emergency. But, when it runs out of power, there’s no way to call for help when you need it most.

With LIFESABER, you can recharge your phone at any time, indoor or out, with a simple ergonomic motion that even a child can master.

In just 15 minutes - using the simple twirling motion of a jump rope - you can generate enough power to restart a dead cellphone. Or, you can produce the required energy in as little as 3 minutes by using your full forearm to 'powercrank' the LIFESABER.



Simply shift the patent-pending Force-Multiplier into high gear, matching the torque (resistance) to the strength you can comfortably apply. The PowerGrip™ handle features an unprecedented 5 degrees of comfortable motion.



Using LIFESABER, you can keep your cell phone charged, survive the elements, and even ward off predators.   



Let’s face it. Your cell phone might die in an emergency situation. What can you do?

You could carry a spare battery, but that's usually only good for a single charge (assuming the battery hasn't already gone dead). Solar chargers are great, if you have the time and the sun is shining.

There are also the old-fashioned 'crank' generators, but they are very awkward, tiring and inefficient (because they rely solely on limited wrist rotation), and only the most expensive models actually work. 



We’ve designed a solution that is superior to everything else out there on the market.

Not only can you recharge LIFESABER with a simply twirling or crank motion, but you can also recharge it from a wall outlet - or even a solar panel - so that the replaceable, high-capacity internal battery is always topped off.

The LIFESABER comes equipped with a replaceable 2200 mAh capacity battery. This gives you more than enough juice to call for help, or to browse the web for routes, trails, and other valuable data.

With the ruggedly-built LIFESABER in your backpack, glove compartment or bug-out bag, you'll never be alone in an emergency.



The optional snap-in UV Water Purifier treats micro-biologically unsafe water with germicidal ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet water purification is a common method for disinfecting bacteria from water (but by no means a cure-all).

It's suitable for treating water taken from a river or stream that looks clear, but contains dangerous microorganisms. After three minutes of cranking, you’ll have enough power to sterilize one liter of unsafe water. 



Just insert and gently twirl to purify water. You'll have better drinking water in a matter of three minutes.

UV water purifiers haven proven to be extremely effective at eliminating unwanted bacteria and germs from drinking water. The UV wavelength scrambles the DNA of any organisms in the water, so that they can’t replicate and make you sick. 

This is a well-documented process that is backed in science (see more links at end of this section). It is a completely safe process and does not add any harmful chemicals to the water. As long as you don’t touch or look directly into the UV bulb, it poses no threat.

Do note, that these devices are only intended for use with clear water and that the volume of the container will determine the correct use of the UV wand (including time of immersion and the requirement to stir the water).

We developed our UV snap-in module in response to requests from the hundreds of outdoor activists who we surveyed, many of whom are familiar with the safety and efficacy of using handheld UV devices, such as the Steripen™ (which is the gold standard and the basis for our functional specifications). The owner of Steripen is Katadyn, a long-established Swiss company specializing in water treatment at all scales. We do not have a formal relationship with Katadyn, (or its Steripen subsidiary).

They recognized that our UV wand could be made lighter (without sacrificing quality) since we wouldn't be duplicating the battery, controls, etc. already built into the LIFESABER. 

Below, you can find a collection of articles supporting the use of handheld UV devices for water purification. 

SteriPEN Ultra Review (with Lab Test Results) South America

Drinking water treatment with ultraviolet light for travelers -- Evaluation of a mobile lightweight system.

Drinking water treatment with ultraviolet light for travelers – Evaluation of a mobile lightweight system

Testing of SteriPEN™, a Portable Ultraviolet Light Water Purifier, Using MS-2 Coliphage in Challenge Test Waters According to the U.S.E.P.A. Protocol’s Recommended Materials.



LIFESABER comes with a second optional snap-in attachment that starts fires in wind or rain with the press of a button.

The snap-in fire starter (sold separately) creates a 2,000F degree arc to start fires even in the roughest weather. Three minutes of cranking will power 16 ignition cycles.



Unlike a butane or methane lighter, absolutely no lighter fluid is required. Plasma lighters are battery powered.

Butane lighters contain flammable gas, which can break or spill in your backpack. Our lighter doesn’t contain any flammable gas. It’s built for rugged outdoor use, making it simple and practical.

Cook yourself a meal, or stay warm.



Don’t get lost in the dark.

Three minutes of cranking will power the built-in 31 lumens flashlight for up 30 minutes of use. You can even twirl LIFESABER to recharge as you are walking along the trail.



Illuminate your tent or campsite. Three minutes of cranking will power the built-in 31 lumens lantern for up to 30 minutes.



To signal rescuers (even flying overhead), or to startle animal or human intruders, select the built-in strobe light. Three minutes of cranking will power the strobe for up to 40 minutes.

Also, with one button, you can trigger both the emergency siren and blinding strobe. This will get everyone’s attention, while disorienting any attacker.

The 85-decibel siren will operate for 35 minutes after just three minutes of cranking.

With a reliable flashlight/lantern and emergency strobe button, LIFESABER is a solid investment in your family's future!



The LIFESABER personal energy generator represents a technological revolution in efficiency and comfort. Our unique blend of patent-pending mechatronics enables even a child to generate the power they need in an emergency. 

The multi-jointed, telescoping handle of the LIFESABER enables a full 5 degrees of flexibility which accommodates the natural motion of the hand, wrist and forearm. In contrast, the crank of a typical manual generator is short and inflexible. This means that all the work has to be done by the wrist – which is awkward and quickly becomes tiring. 



The weighted grip at the end of our handle permits this swing arm to be 'twirled' much like the motion of a jump rope. This is a very comfortable activity which kids can sustain for hours on the playground.

Alternatively, the extended handle can be gripped for power-cranking, putting the strength of the entire arm to work.

Which brings us to our unique and essential force-multiplier technology.It stands to reason that you can overcome much greater resistance (torque) while cranking than when twirling.  

With the LIFESABER, the user can electronically (rather than mechanically) set the resistance (think gearing) to suit the mode (twirl vs. crank) and to match the person's strength. The higher the force multiplier setting, the more work will be accomplished during each rotation (and the faster you will generate electricity).

That's why we expect that it will require a typical person (even a child) 15 minutes to generate a Quick Charge of 900 joules at the lowest resistance setting, while only 3 minutes of power cranking will produce the same results at the highest resistance setting. You can think of our proprietary technology as a kind of distant cousin to regenerative braking. 



We created the LIFESABER as a potentially life saving tool for:

  • Campers and Hikers
  • Hunters and Fishermen
  • Recreational Boaters
  • Other Outdoor Enthusiasts
  • Prepping and Emergency Kits
  • Urban Survival Situations
  • As Power Backup in the Glove Compartment
  • Anyone who can’t afford to have their mobile phone die when they most need it! 


 LIFESABER Iterations & 5 Year Development History

Ideation on the high-level spec for what was originally called the Personal Energy Generator (PEG) began more than 5 years ago. The challenge was to create a self-charging device that even a child could use to generate lifesaving power, but which would be ergonomically efficient for use by even the strongest adults. Of course, the device would also have to be compact, affordable, lightweight and wilderness-friendly.



After 3 years and dozens of false starts and dead ends, I had an epiphany which led to the first of the technical breakthroughs which would be required. Specifically, development of a swing arm that could both be twirled (like a jump rope) yet comfortably cranked. 

The resulting PowerGrip™ was successfully prototyped in July of 2018, which featured a telescoping arm with a weighted handle for twirling. It also served as the handle grip while for cranking. We created a unique, multi--jointed design which enables an unprecedented 5 degrees of freedom in the arm’s motion. This results in comfortable, sustainable twirling or cranking while bringing to bear the full forearm strength of the user.



But while necessary, the PowerGrip was not sufficient in order to realize the ambitious product objective. It took hundreds of additional hours to prove-out the second breakthrough technology – a dynamically adjustable torque control achieved solely through electronics (no mechanical gearing).



In June of this year we completed our most advanced working prototype, enabling the user to toggle the ‘Force Multiplier’ circuit to match the rotation-resistance to the type of input (twirl vs. crank) and the strength of the user. 



This sophisticated prototype was privately demonstrated – to real acclaim – at the Outdoor Retailer show in Denver. While functional, none of our existing prototypes are optimized for manufacturability, which is why we've come on Kickstarter!


How confident are you that you can deliver? 

I have many successful products on the market. The folks who backed my Lil Trucker Kickstarter campaign were pleased with the tools I delivered. In the risks/milestones section of the campaign page we detail the years of work to get to this point where we've demonstrated the crucial technologies - including the 'force multiplier' system.

I have a colleague with a PhD in electrical engineering who has run all of the development and testing of the patent-pending circuitry. We are very confident in the physics/electronics as well as mechatronics overall. 



This project is promoted by Jellop, the ad tech power behind the best Kickstarters with 850+ successful Kickstarter projects with over $370M raised between them. 

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