EMGAZA appeals founded in the last Israeli genocide over the Gaza strip. It aimed at helping Palestinians who got affected directly by the genocide, as well as medical facilities ( Clinics and Local NGOs).
We established four successful appeals among six months. We helped so many disabilities with medicines, diapers and medical related equipment (Wheelchair, walker and crutches).
Our humanitarian distribution plans based on the most affected areas in the strip. These areas are almost forgotten by International NGOs as well as humanitarian convoys due to many reasons
- Location is far from city centers.
- Location is so close to the Israeli Eastern fence ( Buffer Zone)
- Prioritization issues based on MOH policy as they put the main hospitals on top to get aid.
We are a group of Pharmacists, Paramedics, and logisticians working voluntary with full spirit and ambition. We believe in peace and People's power. Our love for Palestine and its population drove us to choose this path irreversibly.
- Due to Israeli embargo and collective punishment policy, we're totally depending on crowdfunding that allow us to get money and buy the needed items from the Gaza strip.
- By purchasing items from Gaza's markets, we do support Palestinian economy.
- No time to waste, By getting stuff from Gaza strip, we avoid borders and permissions that required if we are receiving it outside the strip.
- Less expense, in addition of a previous point, we also avoid transportation and logistic costs.
Light Gaza's Night
Gaza Strip suffers from a lack of continuous electricity due to bombing the main power station by Israel in 2006.
This shortage touched many aspects and made life hard to live. There are so many attempts to fix this problem but because of Israeli blockade it made it harder.
Gazans tried to bear this issue by finding other alternatives such as Candles, Electrical generators, and torches. These alternatives were not sufficient due to these reasons:
- Candles are so dangerous to light at home since it may burn it if care doesn't exist. ( So many death cases reported most of them kids)
- Electrical Generator needs oil that is not available all the time, and even if, is so expensive after closing Tunnels with Egypt.
- Rechargeable torch is the best solution especially if it has LED flashlights that can resist more hours. These kind of flashlights (LED) are expensive, and not everyone can afford it.
- To provide and deliver LED flashlights to the needy families. Our delivery plan will be based on families who have kids, students, and sick people.
- Part of funds will go to help some disabled with diapers.
Items want to Purchase
LED flashlights with different sizes and recharging capacities
Distribution Plan
Our distribution method based on data and lists already prepared by local NGOs scattered at different places in the Gaza Strip.
Photos from our first humanitarian action - Rafah City
For more Photos check this Link and Keep your donation On.
Since we hit target, We will update you as always with written reports, Photos, and video films
Check Stage 1 video report
Check our ex-appeals at these links
Team Leader
I'd like to thank you for massive support, love and trust. Gaza's people rely on us, and we rely on you. Keep your big heart beating towards Gaza. God bless you in advanced.
Love & Respect from my end