Short Summary
I have been involved in horticulture for over 5 years. I have seen so many people buy something that was made with poor quality parts and sold at a ridiculous markup. What I want to bring to the table here is to increase the components quality to make the most efficient light on the market. All for a price that is very fair. I need help to bring the price of production down to a good level. The design has been quoted out and the prototype will be delivered in the near future. I will put up the PAR output map as well as a video once I receive the prototype.
What We Need & What You Get
- I am looking for $300,000 to help drop the price of production down. This will allow for many people to get a good price on the best light that will be in production. It may seem like a large goal but it only takes 500 orders to make it happen!
- Buying a light through here will be at a substantial discount. I would like to keep that discount going as long as possible. This is an option if we meet our initial goal.
- If the goal isn't reached in entirety then the funds will go toward dropping the price as much as possible. The price per unit may go up as the current prices are based on hitting the goal stated.
- If we reach our goal there will be a drawing where 10 LightWave 6 lighting systems will be given away to anyone that donated any amount. Each dollar will be considered an entry in this drawing.
The Impact
So the first question is probably something along the lines of... What makes this light different from all the other lights on the market? One word: Efficiency. What I see time and time again are people pushing a product that just doesn't deliver on the claim of being equal to a 1000W light. Here's some math to explain.
The current standard in horticulture is the Double Ended High Pressure Sodium fixture.
The efficiency of the light that comes out of any given fixture is measured in umol/J or how much usable light per Watt of power.
A 1000W Double Ended High Pressure Sodium after reflector losses pushes 1.7umol/J (1,700 umol total) out of it. What others proclaim as a "replacement" for this light is generally not an exact replacement. What is claimed is that a 450W can produce the same amount of light at half of the wattage. This is not exactly true. To get the same output at this wattage that light would need to put out 3.78umol/J. It is not possible to hit those marks in the next 10 years at an affordable price.
The light that has been created was made to be an output based replacement for the current standard.
The 600W LightWave 6 is a minimum of 2.85umol/J which is a 1,710umol total output.
If that's not enough power there is also the Supernova Maxima that is 800W and is 2.7umol/J. Total output for that is 2,160 umol.
Risks & Challenges
- The biggest challenge is to get the word out to the people that care, please spread the word to anyone that might be interested! Share this on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, or any other location!