There are almost 20,000 individual viewers following Lila's story on, if each person gives $1, that would makes around $20,000 for CDH!!
Why donate?
Think of the new clothes you just bought, the groceries, the vacation you just got back from, the cup of coffee you bought on the way to work, each day you spend money on everyday things. What if you took $1 out of your day, and donated it to CDH? Each dollar makes a difference! Be the change, take a CHANCE, maybe your dollar will help give another a CHANCE at life.
Where is this donation going?
You donation is helping in MANY ways!
Lila's Chance is used to:
- Support Lila, and her family. (medical bills and expenses.)
- To put together care packages for CDH babies and families.
- CDH Research at Cincinnati Children's Hospital
What is CDH?
CDH is a life threatening birth defect, around 1600 babies are diagnosed with CDH in one year. The cause of CDH is unknown. 90% of CDH babies have Left-Sided CDH, 10% of babies, including Lila, are Right-Sided.
What is Lila's Chance?
Mission: A person is a person no matter how small; no matter the odds. EVERYONE deserves a chance of hope. Lila's Chance, is an organization made to support, Lila, fellow CDH families, and CDH Research.
The main focus that Lila's family had and has, is to give her the best possible CHANCE of survival.
Giving CHANCES. Giving HOPE. Raising AWARENESS.
1st Goal - $1,000