More about 'Lily'
'Lily' is a film that will tell the story of someone who is living with a secret affliction. Using warped visual effects including tailor-made prosthetics, it will show just how skewed our own perceptions can be. We want to make this film for anyone who feels like they are struggling with this sort of secret alone. We want to create conversations about how it really feels to live this way and to try to strip away some of the stigma that comes with having these sorts of 'issues', because nobody should suffer in silence.
Why We Need Your Support
The following are a few examples of where your money would be going.
Specialized camera equipment - building Lily's world in a way that would help the audience better understand her every day struggles and really represent her reality, was one of the first things we talked about on this project. In order to do this effectively we need a number of special lenses and filters.
Prosthetics - we discussed several different options for achieving the visual effect that you saw in the campaign video but ultimately we wanted the actress playing Lily to actually experience this warped, strange reflection in order to understand how it would really feel. That means hiring a Special FX Artist and physically building it with prosthetics which is a lot more expensive than simply creating it digitally in post-production.
Paying our cast and crew - when making low budget films, this is generally the first thing to go. We always said if we are going to make this film, we will have to do it right, and that means asking a great deal of everyone involved. We wanted to find a cast and crew who shared our vision and our passion for bringing this story to life, and we feel incredibly lucky to have found that. So now we want to be able to compensate these amazing people for the work they will be doing.
Other Ways You Can Help
We need your financial support to make this project happen but we also need people to start spreading the word. The film is just a part of this story, we want to create a dialogue about 'Lily' and by sharing our campaign you can help us begin creating those conversations. Reach out to your friends, your family, to us - share your thoughts. We would love to hear from you.
Thank you so, so much. We can't wait to make this film and share it with you.
The Lily Team