Short Summary
We believe Lit Camp should be a conference for talented writers...not wealthy writers. So we work very hard to keep the cost of attending Lit Camp as low as possible...without compromising our commitment to staffing our conference with the best authors, literary agents, and editors in the country. We are equally committed to never turning away a writer we accept because of money.
To make all this possible, we're asking you to contribute to this campaign.
What We Need & What You Get
Every cent raised during this campaign will go to fund scholarships for Lit Camp 2020. Even the least expensive option at Esalen can be too costly for many writers. For each $1000 raised, we can offer a talented writer a scholarship to Lit Camp 2020.
In the past, we have had to turn away many wonderful writers who were accepted into Lit Camp because we did not have the funds for scholarships. It is our goal with this campaign to give every writer accepted the opportunity to attend this amazing conference.
Lit Camp is a nonprofit. No one on the Lit Camp Board draws a salary. In fact, each board member contributes $500/year to remain on the board. The Advisory Board each contributes $1000. These contributions help us meet the costs of putting on Lit Camp, but there is nothing leftover for scholarships. That's where you come in!
To make contributing painless, we're offering some pretty amazing literary perks. Manuscript reviews, help with query letters, proposal advice...and our awesome Lit Camp baseball jerseys.
The Impact
Getting a book (in any genre) out into the world isn't easy...even for the most talented writers. Lit Camp helps facilitate the journey from aspiring writer to published author. Our workshop faculty has years of experience as teachers of creative writing, and the agents and editors we invite are experts on the world of publishing. Over the course of our 6 conferences, a dozen or so Lit Camp alumni have seen their books go out into the world. We want to ensure we can make this opportunity available to every writer.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't donate, you can help by spreading the word about the Lit Camp writers conference and our campaign. Please share this link with everyone you know! These really are some amazing Perks...and who doesn't love writers and books?
And...if you're an aspiring writer yourself, consider applying to Lit Camp! We are open for submissions from October 1, 2019, through January 31, 2020. More info here