The new solution for instant pain relief from your period - no more pills, no more nonsense.
Getting your period sucks. For some of us it sucks a whole lot more. We've been working on a high tech solution for years, and we couldn't be prouder to present Livia.
Livia is the off switch for your menstrual cramps. Livia is a drug-free solution for menstrual pain. With one single touch, the tiny device closes the "pain gates" by stimulating the nerves and blocking the pain from passing to the brain. No more pain, no more pills.
Livia’s technology is based on the "Gate Control Theory". Livia is transmitting a pulse that is keeping the nerves "busy". Busy nerves means that the nerve-gate is closed, therefore pain signals cannot pass through and are unfelt.
"Over 50% of women suffer from primary menstrual cramps, for which they consume large amounts of painkillers. Livia uses a pain relief method that does not involve drug consumption. The idea is to close the "pain gates". The device stimulates the nerves, making it impossible for pain to pass. The method Livia uses has been proven effective in several clinical studies and I strongly recommend the use of the device to relieve PMS pain at any time."
Prof. Bari Kaplan
Women's Hospital - Beilinson
Q: How does it feel?
A: Lovely. It’s been best described as “a feeling of gentle vibrations”.
Q: How long does it take for me to feel the effects?
A: No time at all. Once you attach the Livia pulse stickers you feel an instant relief.
Q: Would I still need to take pills with Livia?
A: Nope. The purpose of Livia is to provide a drug-free solution for menstrual pains. It effectively alleviates pain through stimulation, so it removes the need to take painkillers.
Q: During which part of my period should I wear Livia?
A: There is no recommended optimal time to use Livia. You can wear it whenever you want. Just put it on when you feel some pain, and take it from there.
Q: How does it work?
A: Livia’s technology is based on the "Gate Control Theory". Livia is transmitting a pulse that is keeping the nerves "busy". Busy nerves means that the nerve-gate is closed, therefore pain signals cannot pass through and are unfelt.
Q: Is Livia a tens machine?
A: Livia uses principles that are similar to a tens device, but it's frequency and wave shape are unique and optimized especially for menstrual pain.
Q: Can I use it out in public?
A: Most definitely. Livia is designed to be discreet and can be worn unnoticeably under any outfit.
Q: Is it relevant for every age?
A: Yes. Livia is relevant for women of all ages that suffer from menstrual pains.
Q:My menstrual pains are really bad, can Livia help me?
A: Livia eliminates strong menstrual pains and can even help endometriosis. In cases of severe pain Livia provides a significant relief, reducing pain by about 80 percent.
Q: Are there any limitations to use Livia?
A: Yes. You should NOT use Livia if you have a heart pacemaker or have a heart rhythm problem.
Q: Can I sit/ move/ exercise with this?
A: Livia doesn’t restrict your movement at any way, it’s designed to be clipped on and forgotten about.
Q: What does the Livia package include?
A: The Livia package includes 1 Livia device, 2 Livia electrodes, 1 Livia device cable, 4 Livia hydrogel pads, 1 Livia case, 1 USB charging cable.
Q: How do I pick my color?
A: We will send you an email later on; you will be able to choose your favorite color there.
Q: Is it safe to use?
A: Yes, Livia is completely safe to use. We strive to meet the most stringent International standards and are near completion with the FDA and CE-Mark approval process.
Q: Was this tested with people?
A: Yes. Livia was clinicly tested on 163 women. The clinical trial was conducted by Prof. Bari Kaplan from Women’s Hospital - Beilinson to very successful results.
Q: Can it affect my fertility?
A: Absolutely not. The Livia process is external and doesn’t intervene with your cycle, your hormonal balance or anything like that.
Q: Are there any side effects?
A: Safe Livia use doesn’t have any negative side effects whatsoever. It also doesn’t leave any marks on your body.
Q: How do I use it?
A: You simply attach Livia's pulse stickers to where you feel pain, press the 'ON' button and that's it. You can adjust the intensity depending on the level of pain.
Q: Will I need to change batteries?
A: No. Livia operates on internal batteries. You charge it by plugging it into any USB cable. Charges last for about 15 hours.
Q: Do I need to buy any extras or anything?
A: No. The Livia package comes with everything you need. Specifically: 1 Livia device, 1 set of Livia Flower Pads, 1 Livia device cable, 4 Livia hydrogel pads, 1 Livia case, 1 USB charging cable and that's all you need. No extras, no add-ons.
Q: What if my Livia doesn't work properly?
A: We don't compromise on customer satisfaction and despite working hard to make sure every detail of Livia works well, we've added a 2-year warranty. Not that you'll need it :)