Love Parade NYC is for those who believe that speaking out against injustice is the right thing to do, but in a way that aids the solution. We will come together as a community to focus on what is going right in order to fix what is going wrong by creating a small change in your heart.
Imagine - people walking down the street - with signs, balloons, streamers, passing out heart stickers - celebrating what inspires them to keep living life and stay hopeful. And you smile; the silly, fun sight impacts you. Your day is changed - and because of that you make a small positive impact in someone else’s day.
Big changes need to happen. Hunger and obesity, wealth and poverty; these exist side by side. Disrespect to our environment, to our neighbors, to our police, and disharmony within our governments.
There are so many big issues, it can feel incredibly overwhelming. What can you do now?
Our Solution:
I suggest that we come back to LOVE, and Choose Love Now. Focus on what is going right, talk about the kind of world we want to live in.
Big changes need to happen, but they start NOW with small changes in our hearts. Choose Love Now by choosing to forgive, accept, and act out of love instead of fear.
What inspires you to Choose Love Now, even in a small way? How did you decided to accept emotions and act out of love, when you felt frustrated, angry, or hurt? Why do you Choose Love Now?
-reply in comments!
Literally we will :
Love Parade NYC is a group walking event in Manhattan, New York, tentatively from Union Square, walking West on 14th Street sidewalk, ending at Highline Park, on Sunday April 26th, 2015 at 11am.
1. Feel and Act. Fully experience pain and anger of injustice and see those emotions as valid and valuable. Peace and progress should be fought with the power and clarity of love. We will choose to shift back to peace and Choose Love Now.
2. Fun and Play are essential to creating a peaceful, loving future. We will be kind, loving, playful, and with intentions to benefit the highest good in an expression of love.
3. Change start from within. Within the self and within our community, we can start to Choose Love Now in small ways, every day. We will inspire each other with random acts of kindness, loving acts and words, to create a small shift to love in our heart, every day,
COME WALK with those who will hold a vision of the highest good for unity in our government, our health, in our homes, and in our hearts.
DONATE to make this vision a reality.
SUPPORT with the only true currency, your presence and attention by joining and sharing on Facebook and social media. #ChooseLoveNow #LoveParade
About the Founder:
Karla Rasmusson is a blogger, event planner, and spiritual activist who wants to know why you stay hopeful, what inspires you to be your best, why do you CHOOSE LOVE NOW? After coming out of a dark time after the sudden death of friends Max Mendoza and Hari Simran, and building political and social events of injustice, Karla realized that she can do more to promote love and unity.
Karla says, “It starts with a small change of perception. Seeing the other person as hurting you because they, themselves, are hurting. The Love Parade is important because it gives people a positive way to express why they choose love, and how to choose love in a small way, like smiles and compliments.”
Karla is living in New York City, and the founder of Hippie in Heels blog, events, and coaching ( and co-founder of CO-OP Phoenix community events and swaps (
How to Support
Support the Love Parade NYC in two ways -
1. Donate
Let's build the foundation for more positive events!
The funds will go to park and city fees for a safe group organization. Decorations and signs for the parade. Video and production crew. Marketing to spread the word. Foundational costs for replicating this event in the future. Donations to the Max Mendoza Scholarship Fund (Max is Karla's inspiration to Choose Love Now).
What do Angel Numbers like 4,444 and 22 and 111 mean? Numbers are one way that we can bless ourselves, and bring joy to our lives. Finding synchronicities, like number patterns, make me feel connected to angels, the universe, and bring a smile of joy to my face!
If we don’t reach the goal, the Love Parade NYC is still happening! I am fully committing to the positive expression and sharing the Choose Love Now story. It may be small, but we will still celebrate life and love.
2. Participate
The only true currency is your precious time, attention, and your presence.
SHARE this on Facebook and social media. EMAIL it to your friends and family. WATCH the video and COMMENT with why you Choose Love Now. #ChooseLoveNow #Love Parade
Most importantly -
RSVP and Join the Love Parade in NYC, on Sunday, April 26th 2015
The Impact
Each day you make a choice - are your actions motivated by love or fear.
A small occurrence can make a big impact in your whole day, week, month, year! Just like the "pay it forward" affect, small acts of kindness lead to more and larger ones - Creating a ripple effect of love, bringing a smile to people's faces, and happiness to their hearts will leave a lasting ripple effect on our community.
Big changes need to happen, and that starts with small shifts back to peace and love for each person in our community. Choose Love Now is about daily change - small choices to spread good feelings - smiles, random acts of kindness, hugs, compliments...
How did you decided to accept emotions and act out of love, when you felt frustrated, angry, or hurt? Why do you Choose Love Now? -reply in comments!
Other Ways You Can Help
The only true currency is your precious time, attention, and your presence.
SHARE this on Facebook and social media. EMAIL it to your friends. WATCH the video and COMMENT with why you Choose Love Now.
Most importantly - RSVP and Join the Love Parade in NYC on, Sunday April 26th 2015