"LT. ORE O" is a moving story about an aging Vietnam veteran on the brink of total dementia who embarks on a journey to find his beloved wife only to find that he had lost her years before.
This story is inspired by two very important ladies in my life, my grandmas, who both suffered from degenerative memory loss and passed away recently. Both sweet and with a particular sense of humor who never forgot how to love their family. As a storyteller, I strived to inject a little bit of that essence into this story.
Today we are here as an ethnically diverse film family comprised of military veterans, female artists, and awesome creative minds, to humbly ask for your help to make this heartfelt story into a short film.
With your generosity, we can get this story out to the world in a grandiose way. Your donations will fund all production needs including crew, equipment, meals, permits, lodging, and much more. We will also be able to send this film to film festivals and competitions and showcase our labor of love with audiences around the world.
Our perks are not out of this world but are filled with appreciation and gratitude:
$100 and over - We will include a special thank you in the credits.
$1000 and over - We will give you a Contributing Producer credit.
$5000 and over - We will give you an Executive producer credit.
If you are on the fence about donating and would like to read the script leave us a comment and we will provide you with a copy, we are certain you will love the story as much as we do!`
We want to thank you for your time and consideration. If you’re unable to donate at this time you can still help. Please take the time to share our campaign on your social media channels loudly and often.