Lucha T8 is already registered as a technological patent in Serbia, and in the process for a worldwide patent. Safety and quality tests are currently in process in the European Union.
"I am not a person who turned to nature as a cure, my choice has always been traditional medicine, given the severe migraines I have had since childhood, to the hormonal disorder diagnosed at puberty. However, I used to drink painkillers, at the first sign of pain, because headaches were a very common thing in my daily routine. So, an instant break from pain only to a gain a new one, tomorrow or the day after. I was also treated with hormonal therapy, in spite of this I still had the adrenaline rush. Well, the highs were not a problem, you get used to them, but the lack of energy was something I didn't have a cure for. A friend recommended this device and I tried LUCHA T8 for the first time, assuming it would not help me. I wore it, but I didn't think about it, until they asked me if I had any painkillers for a headache. That's when I realized I didn't remember the last time I had a painkiller. Months went by without a cure. I could not believe. Then I started listening to my body expecting this headache. I realized that in addition to the pain, there was no more energy change, no jump. I feel good. Better. The headache, of course, still happens, but with the usage of a few boxes of painkillers, I've reduced drug intake to a single pill in the past 6 months! I continue to listen to my body, but no longer expecting pain or something bad, I expect its needs and energy. Perhaps one of the influences of LUCHA T8, in addition to the absence of pain and hormonal balance, is positive thinking and life balance."
-Romana Buncic, 33, Finanace
"I've entered early menopause followed by myoma and a cyst. Hormonal therapy with pills had worked towards regulating the menstrual cycle, however enlarging the myoma. As a person with an open mind and somebody who likes to try all options, I've decided to try and regulate the condition with Lucha T8. It was a perfect fit!"
-Mirjana Kalicanin, 45, Healthcare worker
"I have been playing tennis and basketball over the last 35 years. A shoulder and wrist injury made me stop my professional dreams. I started using the LUCHA T8 device in the last few months and the chronic pain is almost completely gone. I wish it was available 30 years ago! Highly recommended, easy to use!"
-Nick Jovanovic, 50, Businessman
"Two years ago, while on holiday in Montenegro, I got an ear infection, and was prescribed with injection therapy. When I returned to Belgrade the same day, my mom gave me the first LUCHA T8 test apparatus, I held it directly on my ear for 30 minutes and the next day, the pain stopped... Thank you Lucha T8!"
-Filip Kitanovic, 13, Student
"I have suffered many years of pain due to chronic gastritis and it has disrupted my everyday life. I had to stop taking various therapies, and the pain returned very briefly. A friend recommended the Lucha T8 device with the idea of making things better. I was skeptical at first, but after using it on my stomach daily, the pain quickly went away. Now, I carry the Lucha T8 device everywhere with me. I sincerely recommend the Lucha T8 device to anyone who has problems similar to mine."
-Danijela Zivkovic, 45, Administration officer
"I have to admit, I belong to a group of people who were fortunate enough to miss out on health problems that have bothered most. The flu, sore throat, sinus problems, migraines, fever, etc. Before placing the Lucha T8 device around my neck, I put on a piece of paper all the health problems I had Elbow inflammation, lower back pain, frequent mood swings, insomnia, concentration problems and more. My conclusion was: I've cleared most of these problems from the paper, having made sure of the efficiency the frequency and function of the device on the organism."
-Vlada Vlastic, 40, Entrepreneur
"I first felt pain in the spinal area a year and a half ago. The doctor diagnosed me with a discus hernia and sciatica. I am a very disciplined patient and have done all the prescribed medical therapies and did all the exercises. I did get better, but the pain never completely went away. I somehow heard of the Lucha T8 device. My sister-in-law informed me in detail about the way it works, the Schumann frequency and its effects on the body. I decided to give it a try. After a few days, I was already feeling better, and after a month of continuous use, the pain stopped. Last week I fell and felt the pain in the same place again. I decided to use the Lucha T8 device and the pain went away after three days of use."
-Snezana Kitanovic, 60, High school teacher
"We use Lucha T8 as a family. My wife generally calms down muscle aches and cramps. I usually wear it around my neck on the heart chakra. The effect felt is quick and deep. I am a peaceful and calm person, Lucha T8 brings me not only peace but a sense of connection to nature, on the fifth floor of a building in a major French city, just like after a yoga class or meditation. But, the feeling is specific, and when I see how easy it is to achieve this feeling, I can only say thank you."
-Nicholas Tomic, 42, Auditor
"After delivering with an epidural, I felt occasional pain in the left leg (the doctors did not remove a catheter from my spine for two days, which had to be removed immediately), later it developed into permanent pain that extended to the lumbar region. Sitting was very painful and almost impossible for more than five minutes. Driving the car became agony and this made it much more difficult for me to do my daily chores with the kids and around the house. It was even very tiring for me to stand up and get a glass of water because the pain in the sacrum during movement was unbearable. After making the sciatica diagnosis, I did stretching exercises that made sitting a little easier. But, after using Lucha T8 5-6 times a day, the pain, stiffness, and difficulty getting up from a sitting position started to go away, and then, completely disappeared. Now, before the weather changes and it rains because of the elevated air pressure as soon as the pain begins to appear I put the light on my lumbar back and the pain disappears after a short time. Lucha T8 really helped me and brought my life back to normal. Thanks."
-Jelena Misic, 32, HR manager
"I had a severe ear infection. My stomach ached from antibiotic therapy and because of the pain inside my ear I drank painkillers as well. My godmother gave me the Lucha T8 device to put on painful spots. I was distrustful but had no choice. I used the device three times and before bedtime on the first day. The second day, the pain was gone. I stopped using medication and continued my Lucha T8 treatment with the device until complete healing. To higher my energy levels, I turn it on at bedtime. I recommend the Lucha T8 device to everyone, it brings the organism in balance with its natural state."
-Marina Djukic, 49, School teacher
"My granddaughter recently had a thirteen-day fever. The doctors didn’t know what the cause was because her throat was 'clear', the lungs as well, and the results from the ENT check-up were also in order. After all of these tests, several doctors confirmed that she was infected with a virus. As viruses are not treated with antibiotics, the doctor recommended keeping her body temperature above 38.5 °C (101.3 °F) since the body should resist the virus by itself. Her high body temperature was followed by a fever when the air temperature rose to 39°C (102.2 °F) and 40°C (104 °F). After the tenth day, my aunt gave me a Lucha T8 device to use. I turned it on several times during the day and kept it close to my daughter. On the thirteenth day, the temperature was gone, and we have beaten the virus! It may be just a turn of events, but I believe it was the impact of the Lucha T8 device. Certainly, everyone should have it and try it."
-Marina Peric, 47, Financial Adviser