Meet Lumious
The light bulb has been around for 135 years, and while we have more energy efficient technologies: Lights act the same as they did over a century ago.
Lumilabs is focused on what kind of lighting is good for our biology. We believe that lighting should not only enable us to see, but improve our mood and productivity.
Lumious is like hanging a window where you can't have one.
Brilliant sky-scapes model a clear sunny day in July, everyday.
- A simple minimalist design
- Premium Materials
- Machined Aluminum
- Frosted Glass
- Easily mounts on any wall
- Next generation multi-color LED technology
Before Lumious
We offer two tiers for those who want to support, but can't have Lumious yet.
Envious Edison
Donate $25 to help us turn lighting on its head.
We'll send vase made out of a light bulb turned on its head!
Donate $10 and we'll proudly emblazon your name on our website for prosperity.
In the future, you'll be able to show your grandkids you helped drive the change for better lighting.
Lighting and Biology
Lumious was designed to take advantage a newly understood biological relationship between brain function and specific wavelengths of light.
We know what type of light makes you more alert, and which light helps you see.
Luckily, the two barely mix.
Blue Light
Scientific: Retinal exposure to light frequencies between 460nm and 480nm decreases melatonin production. This mechanism is triggered by ganglion cells that contain melanopsin.
Plain English: A specific range of blue light can help keep you awake.
This animation shows our sunrise algorithm on the left.
On the right, we've stripped away everything except the energy giving blue light so you can see how the intensity grows throughout the day.
Where's the proof?
These are a few of our favorite blue light studies:
This study showed a decrease in stress with an increase in well being and cognitive performance.
This study shows it goes great with caffeine.
This study shows that even visually blind individuals exhibit an increase in cognitive performance.
Human Centric Lighting
"We promote Human Centric Lighting, which can also be called human factors in lighting, biophilia or other names, can improve circadian rhythms, mood – preferences, visual acuity, performance and energy savings – sustainability. We firmly believe that existing and upcoming dimming and Kelvin changing products, mostly LED, which are so good for Human Centric Lighting, will become as significant as Edison creating the light bulb."
We have two plans for manufacturing, that depend on the number of units ordered.
In the long run, it is our goal to create our own micro-factory for machining and assembly.
We are makers after all.
Strategy I
We are fortunate to have great relationships with local manufacturers.
These relationships allow us to produce Lumious in unit counts as small as 20.
If the total number of units accounted for at the end of the campaign are less than 700, we will leverage these existing partners.
Strategy II
If we find there is an overwhelming interest in Lumious, we are prepared to use the funds we raise to purchase a CNC mill and hire a machinist with over 30 years of experience.
Technical Specs
Dimensions: 23" x 5" x 1"
Power: 5V 10A power supply
About LumiLabs
Ariel and Chris are both graduates of the
Erie Technology Incubator's Technology Business Accelerator.
They are also current participants in Thrill Mill's 2015 class.
LumiLabs has chosen to participate in the Rust Built movement as a Pennsylvania and New York based start-up.
It is our dream to see innovative products manufactured in the rust belt once again. After all, the people of this region are already expert makers, craftsmen, and manufacturers.
Meet the Team
Ariel Grace Armstrong - Business
Ariel has her MBA from Chatham University.
She is currently the Director of Development at Rodef Shalom Congregation.
She has a passion for small business development and women's entrepreneurial leadership.
Ariel works on seeking grant opportunities, customer service, and sales.
Christopher Smolinski - Engineering
Chris is a software engineer at M*Modal working on speech recognition software.
He began using multi-color LEDs in 2010 in his senior design project at Gannon University.
Chris has designed the software and hardware behind Lumious.