LUX uses technology to re-imagine the relationship between written and spoken word, visual art, and the traditionally bound journal.
LUX was created in 2013. It was the brainchild of the combined efforts of Sarah Lawrence alumni Nicole Cloutier, Christina Harrington, and Carolyn Silveria. And it was an instant hit. This multimedia oriented creation takes the concept of a literary journal and spins it on its head. The end result? QR codes and poetry; photography and short stories; fiction and film; and, we hope, a continued interplay of other mediums.
(Learn more about Lux)
This year, as we put together LUX Volume II, we want to take the word ‘multimedia’ to a new level. We seek to build upon the strong foundation begun last year by expanding the journal’s print quality, visual arts technology, and spread of artistic content.
Last year, while we still managed to create a beautiful, letterbound journal with a simple, eye-catching cover, we are ready to take the printing to a new level. We’d like to change the physical dimensions of the book, transforming its chapbook-like shape into a less traditionally bound medium. This year, we also want to incorporate more visually engaging art--since last year LUX was limited to printing only two full-color pieces.
(Click here for a multimedia experience )
This year, we seek to deepen the connections between color and literary expression. We want the journal’s visual elements to be as rich as its written and spoken ones. We also want to deepen LUX’s breadth of content; last year we had fiction, poetry, and one moving film, and this year, we’d like include storytelling through the form of podcasts, songs, both written and instrumental, along with a greater number of film submissions.
(Listen to MEMBRANE)
Help Us Bring LUX to A Greater Audience
In order to make these expansions and build upon the artistic intent of the project, we’ll need to raise at least $3,000 to account for both higher quality print materials and the necessary marketing budget for spreading awareness of LUX and increasing its annual submissions, as well as to compensate both new and established artists for their contributions to the journal. The more resources we have available to further our vision of LUX as a rare hybrid of interactive media, the more we can share it with a greater audience and create a rich array of work by artists of all mediums.
We strive to connect with the world simultaneously through the beauty of the printed page and by engaging with the limitless space of technology.
The success of LUX largely depends on how effectively we will be able to cull and collaborate with a range of artists across the media spectrum. With greater funding and resources, the production schedule of the journal is destined to be more labor intensive than it was for prior publications. We face the challenge of coordinating and synchronizing the vastly varied visions of the painters, photographers, writers, filmmakers, and podcasters chosen for each publication. As such, our layout planning and execution using technology will also be more involved. Despite these potential obstacles, however, we know our staff will rise to the challenge and maximize opportunities made available by greater funding and wider community support.