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Lynched: The Media War against Rob Ford

Help us tell the truth about how the media mistreated the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

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Lynched: The Media War against Rob Ford

Lynched: The Media War against Rob Ford

Lynched: The Media War against Rob Ford

Lynched: The Media War against Rob Ford

Lynched: The Media War against Rob Ford

Help us tell the truth about how the media mistreated the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

Help us tell the truth about how the media mistreated the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

Help us tell the truth about how the media mistreated the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

Help us tell the truth about how the media mistreated the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

Miroslav Marinov
Miroslav Marinov
Miroslav Marinov
Miroslav Marinov
2 Campaigns |
Toronto, Canada
$612 USD $612 USD 17 backers
13% of $4,493 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Why This Book Is Needed

This campaign’s goal is to raise $6,500 for a book covering the media war against Mayor Rob Ford under the working title “Lynched: The Media War against Rob Ford.” I am a Toronto-based writer and blogger, who has followed these events for years (often with total disbelief). Why is it important to publish a book about a person, who has been loathed by so many people?

Very few politicians in the history of Canada have been the target of such vicious and continuous campaign for destruction, organized by the media and special interest groups, as Rob Ford has been. The attacks started long before any of his personal problems were revealed. The lack of any sympathetic coverage about a man, who has dedicated his life to serving the taxpayers, is disturbing. Canada is described routinely as being one of the most polite and tolerant countries in the world, yet the “progressive” media here can easily destroy a person with the “wrong” political views. 

This is not just about Rob Ford – this is about exposing the ability of the media to belittle and ruin a person, any person. And I am not talking about criticism of his political views. That’s nothing – it is normal to criticize politician. The issue is about the horrific way in which a human being is treated – hounded methodically until his personality and his family are in shambles. It takes extreme strength to withstand such pressure and on the surface it looks that Ford has managed to handle the situation. However, his political career has brought him no visible benefits after the long battles with those who hate his politics, if we don’t count the satisfaction of his constituents. (Theoretically, he would’ve been better off working in his business, but when people with his convictions can’t hold an office, we will be served only by the professional political freeloaders.)

It is important to tell that story, because it is a precedent and a blueprint for dealing with any person who is not liked by the media and the elites, often just because she or he has views that don’t conform to what they think is better for us.

Telling the truth in a sea of hostility is not an easy task. You can’t rely on the mainstream media, because they routinely belittle Ford’s achievements and mock his supporters as mindless idiots. Using mainstream publishers is not easier either – it is possible to get a fat deal with them only if you follow the official line and keep close to the “sacred” principles of political correctness (as the authors who published books about his life have done). 

What We Will Need to Succeed

That leaves the self-publishing venue.

Unfortunately, in that case there is no publisher to bear most of the costs – the author has to take care of all steps in the publishing process. As I mentioned in the beginning, the estimated expenses are $6,500, which is a small fraction of what another fundraiser collected with the intention to ruin Ford. (That is how life works – often you can do good deeds with much less money.)

I also said that I have followed Rob Ford’s career for many years, collecting information and writing articles about him. At my website you can read that coverage. I have systematized tons of materials, mostly articles, which will be the basis for the book, including pieces that their authors may want to forget (I am probably being optimistic here). There might be a need for some extra research, but only a fraction of the money would be spent on that.

The bulk of the raised money will be spent on preparing the book for publication. That will include editing and proofreading of the manuscript (it is always important that a professional eye checks the work for errors and repetitions). The book will be published in two editions – electronic (iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble, and downloadable PDF) and paperback. That would incur expenses for formatting both editions – design and layout; there are different requirements for that.

Both versions will also need cover art, which has to be formatted as an actual cover for each of them. A large amount will be spent on advertising and promotion, which are important if we want the book to reach as many people as possible. Also, money will be needed to fulfil and deliver the items provided in the perks.

If the campaign doesn’t reach its goal, I will cover the outstanding expenses myself, but that would slow down the whole process. There could be a delay in releasing the book. If we reach the goal, all the extra money will be applied to promotion and development of a similar future project.

What You Get in Return for Your Support

Talking of perks, here is what you will get for supporting that important book project. The name of every person, who donated, will be listed with gratitude on the webpage of the book project. Please let me know, if you don’t want your name made public.

For $10, you will get a personal thank-you e-mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor. 

For $25, you will get a personal thank-you e-mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor; you will also receive a postcard in the mail and a digital copy of the book in one of the e-book formats listed above (before the official launch).

For $50, you will get a personal thank-you e-mail, handwritten thank-you post card in the mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor; you will also receive a collection of photos related to the subject of the book (in digital format) and a digital copy of the book personalized with your name.

For $100, you will get a personal thank-you e-mail; handwritten thank-you post card in the mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor; you will receive a collection of photos related to the subject of the book (in digital format), three digital copies of the book personalized with your and your friends’ names and a copy of the printed edition signed for you or your friend.

For $300, you will get a personal thank-you e-mail; handwritten thank-you post card in the mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor; you will receive a collection of photos related to the subject of the book (in digital format), five personalized digital copies of the book and three copies of the signed printed edition.

For $500, you will get a personal thank-you e-mail; handwritten thank-you post card in the mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor; you will receive a collection of photos related to the subject of the book (in digital format), five personalized digital copies of the book and two signed copies of the printed edition, as well as an MP3 video player with unique videos related to the subject of the book (all shot by me).

For $1,000 you get all of the above – e-mail, postcard, name on the page, collection of photos, five digital copies, three signed paper copies, MP3 video player with videos – plus a dinner and a talk at a Toronto pub (travelling expenses to Toronto not included). 

PLEASE NOTE: All perks will be delivered in October 2014, with the exception of the printed copies of the book. Due to the complexity of the publishing process, the printed books will be delivered in November (you will be notified when and I will do my best to release that edition as early as possible).

Risks & Challenges

I am a reliable person and I complete every task I start, especially when other people’s money and trust are at stake. A possible risk is that some will probably try to sabotage and derail the project through personal attacks – and that is almost sure, considering the subject I am writing about. However, over the long years of writing on controversial subjects (even when they are controversial only in the minds of the saboteurs) I have received every possible threat, every insult and tons of hate mail. I know very well how to handle the hate; it is even getting boring to do so. Still, I will notify the donors on the webpage if anything like this happens.

Other Ways You Can Help

Of course, not everybody can contribute financially, even though they may support the project. In this case you can help in different ways – if you have a website, Facebook, Twitter or other social network account, or even only an e-mail, or if you speak to your friends only face to face, you can still let them know about this endeavor. You never know who and how is going to help to spread the word.

You can make the task easier, if you use the share tools provided by Indiegogo above.
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Choose your Perk

Thank you.

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
You will get a personal thank-you e-mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
1 claimed

Postcard & Digital Copy

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
You will get a personal thank-you e-mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor; you will also receive a postcard in the mail and a digital copy of the book in one of the e-book formats listed above (before the official launch).
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
3 claimed

Digital Copy & Photos

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
All of the above. You will also receive a collection of photos related to the subject of the book (in digital format) and a digital copy of the book personalized with your name.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
5 out of 80 of claimed

Digital Books & Printed Book

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
All of the above - e-mail, thank-you postcard in the mail, name added to the webpage, collection of photos (in digital format) and three digital copies of the book personalized with your and your friends’ names and a copy of the printed edition signed for you or your friend.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
3 out of 50 of claimed

More Books - Digital & Printed

Currency Conversion $207 USD
$300 CAD
You will get a personal thank-you e-mail; handwritten thank-you post card in the mail; your name will be added to the book webpage as a donor; you will receive a collection of photos related to the subject of the book (in digital format), five personalized digital copies of the book and three copies of the signed printed edition.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Books, Photos, Videos

Currency Conversion $346 USD
$500 CAD
All of the above, which will also include the collection of photos related to the subject of the book (in digital format), five personalized digital copies of the book and two signed copies of the printed edition, as well as an MP3 video player with unique videos related to the subject of the book (all shot by me).
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Books, Photos, Videos, Pub

Currency Conversion $691 USD
$1,000 CAD
You get all of the above – e-mail, postcard, name on the page, collection of photos, five digital copies, three signed paper copies, MP3 video player with videos – plus a dinner and a talk at a Toronto pub (travelling expenses to Toronto not included).
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

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