You have the right to protect your privacy. We're creating the technology to put you back in control.
At Make It Private, we've developed the most secure online communication tool ever invented. We use tokenization – the same core technology that banks use to protect your credit cards online – but adapted for two-way and multi-party communication in the cloud.
Three simple steps:
1. Right-click any message or field in Facebook, Gmail, or other websites.
2. Select Make It Private.
3. Relax.
Only your authorized readers will have access to your sensitive data.
We don’t collect or track your personal information. If anyone comes asking about you, we’ll have nothing to offer but randomized bits of data.
The less we know about you, the better we can serve you.
Everyone has a reason for privacy in the cloud. Listen to what some of our "every day" fans are saying! Or watch the videos in our Gallery.
For more details, go to Make It Private.
Our Campaign: we've been developing this patented product for more than two years. In the past six months, the stakes have been raised. Businesses violate your privacy every day because collecting, using and sharing your information is a justifiable way to make more money. And as Edward Snowden has shown, government agencies like the NSA routinely cross the line with their data collection practices.
At Make It Private, we've stepped up the urgency of bringing our revolutionary product to market. We've decided to release it to consumers, rather than exclusively to companies or agencies, as a way to level the playing field. We're on track to release a fully tested beta version to you in December.
We're conducting this campaign for three reasons: (1) to give you the chance to be an early user; (2) to raise awareness and grass roots support in the event that we encounter opposition; and (3) to finance our final testing and put us on a firmer financial footing so that we're prepared for any contingency when we launch.
What You Get: your support is vital to us, but it's also great for you. Check out the rewards we have for contributors!
Our Impact: if you like what you see here and on our website, we have one more request: Help us get the word out! Use the IndieGoGo share
tools! Make some noise! Help us restore the
Internet to a trusted environment!
Take Back Control.