Some Background Info
My name is Mandy Cano Villalobos and I'm an artist based in Grand Rapids, MI. I work in a variety of mediums, from drawing and textiles to performance and installation. All of my projects are related to time. How do we understand our unfolding lives through story-telling? How do we use rituals to make meaning in everyday routines? These are the kind of questions that drive my artistic practice.
This Summer I've been invited to attend Hambidge Residency. With your help, I can take advantage of this tremendous opportunity. As a mother of three young kids, it's hard to be a full time mom and a full time artist. Your contributions would allow me to focus on my art and help nurture my career.
While at Hambidge, I have lots of goals. I will continue my Sisyphus series for upcoming exhibitions at Lafontsee Galleries in Michigan. I'll also produce small paper works for a November show at James May Gallery in Algoma, WI. In addition to studio production, artist residencies are an excellent way to network with colleagues and explore collaborative possibilities.
Basically, I'm excited for this Summer! Please consider supporting me, at any amount, to give me the time and space to focus on my craft.
Getting there...
The fee to attend Hambidge is $500, which is an amazing bargain. But I also need to cover travel costs, meals and supplies (with a detour to the grandparents to drop the kiddos off in Alabama). Below are some estimated costs:
$500 Lodging and Attendance Fees
$300 Travel
$400 Food
$600 Materials
$200 Miscellaneous costs, including Indiegogo fees
That's a total of $2000.
Any little bit helps. Even $10 will cover the cost of a meal! And if I don't achieve my funding goals, your contributions will still help meet my needs. If I exceed my goals, I will invest that money into studio production costs so I can keep making art through the Summer and Fall. Either way, it's a good cause!
Thank you!
This whole artist thing is so rewarding. It also takes a lot of time, money, and perseverance. Recently I've come to realize that there are a lot of people who want to support the arts and who value what I and other artists do. I am so grateful for everyone who has helped me over the years - not only through funding, but through free materials, watching my kids while I finish that painting, helping me in the studio, and just showing up to my exhibitions.
I can't do this alone, but a community of art advocates can. You are my community, and I am so grateful for your support. Thank you!
For those of you who are able to donate to this trip, I'd like to give you a small gift in return. Handmade thank you cards, tea bag quilts and hand embellished prints are all available at different levels of donation. Each item is one of a kind, and it's my way of showing you my appreciation.
As I said, I feel called to this profession - it's how I contribute to our culture. But with opportunities come challenges. I have a lot of exhibitions this year, and I need funding and support to make art, frame it, ship it and travel to gallery openings. It all begins at Hambidge.
Others ways you can help
You might not able to contribute right now. That's okay! One way you can help is to get the word out! Share this campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email. There are nifty little icons to the right of the pink "Back It" button that makes sharing super easy.
Got questions?
Don't hesitate to contact me either through Indiegogo, or at I welcome your questions and hope to hear from you.