About the Show
Mariachi is a comedy/drama web series centered around a hit Mariachi band that is getting dangerously close to being considered a One Hit Wonder so they are doing everything in their power to find inspiration for their next hit.
Los Gorditas Hermanos is comprised of George (Josh Dizon) PJ (Danny Diefenthaler) and Marcus (Martin Hanson) with Ray (Mitchell Jones) who joins in episode 2. George is desperately looking for their answer to the writers block they are facing, while PJ and George are more along for the ride that the one hit success has brought them.
Mariachi is about what lengths are willing to go to find success and true happiness. Along with the goals we set for ourselves and how we should perceive them.
Why $22,000?
Well to break it down without getting too boring camera and lens rentals ($7,000) along with feeding our cast and crew ($4,000) and other cost over our 13 day shooting process add up quickly - and the show just can't happen without these necessities. Indiegogo also takes a portion of the proceeds so we took that into account in our overall budget.
We have the resources to make a great production just not the funding (is it that obvious?) We want to match the quality in TV programs that you watch to provide the same level of entertainment or even higher.
Being independent artists we are no stranger to tight budgets, which has worked in our favor because we spare no money. Every little bit of funding is put to great use and every dollar is maximized to its full potential.
The Result
Well bluntly... this amazing show! We are making this for you and we want to make it worth your time for watching.
also if we hit $25,000 we will be able to shoot a BONUS holiday episode that takes place after episode 8! and c'mon who doesn't like a good holiday episode?!?
Other Ways You Can Help
If you just can't contribute we understand. And we wont be like one of those solicitors that just wont let you walk away.
But there are other ways that you could be an incredible help and its easy! Just share our project / campaign! and like us on our Facebook page!
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even Instagram us vis Instagram if you want
Any and all helps! Do all forms of social media outlets if you are so inclined!
feel free to ask us anything
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And please follow us so you can keep up with the project. Your help doesn't just stop after making a donation or sharing a page. Like we said we are making this for you and will keep you updated on our progress so you can keep up with the cast and crew and follow the season as it goes along!