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The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman, The Iridium Live! "ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SINGERS" TimeOut NY

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The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman, The Iridium Live! "ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SINGERS" TimeOut NY

The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman, The Iridium Live! "ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SINGERS" TimeOut NY

The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman, The Iridium Live! "ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SINGERS" TimeOut NY

The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman, The Iridium Live! "ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SINGERS" TimeOut NY

Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$12,300 USD 110 backers
61% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Dear Friends, My beloved CD project; "Between Yesterday and Tomorrow: The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman" was recorded live with my Fabulous Trio on August 13, 2017 at The Iridium, NYC. A landmark famously know for presenting the best rock, jazz, and blues artists in the world! We were honored and thrilled to have our album recorded there! The recording has exceeded our expectations and now your help is needed to get this beautiful album released and out into your hands!



Critically Acclaimed Vocalist Needs Your Help!

Hi Everyone! I'm Marieann Meringolo...

Pronounced MARIE-ANN  MA-RING-GO-LOW. Now, I promise you with practice it will get easier! 

I'm a NYC based vocalist/recording artist (click here to learn more about Marieann Meringolo and I'm very excited to introduce you to my newest CD project that I'm hoping moves you as much as it has moved me recording it:

"Between Yesterday and Tomorrow: The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman." 

I recorded this album live with my incredible Musical Director and Arranger on Piano, Doyle Newmyer. Doyle and I have worked together for over the last 17 years and he is the genius behind all of my arrangements. Also featured are my bass player, Boots Maleson and drummer Sipho Kunene...I call them My Fabulous Trio, all neatly packaged together by my brilliant Director, Will Nunziata. 

And, now I'm currently in the process of mixing and mastering with my engineer, the accomplished and very talented Lance McVickar!

*And, now for the Breaking News... 

As I was putting this campaign together I learned that the Album is now slated to be Released on an actual Label... Blujazz Label and Promotions! This is such exciting news! So, this means...CD Distribution, Promotion to NPR/Public Radio Stations, Mainstream Jazz and College Radio. Potential articles and press in major jazz publications, future booking and touring in the US and Europe!


Read Rave Review of the Concert Recording:

The Concert was recorded live on August 13, 2017 at The Iridium in New York City, 1650 Broadway in the heart of Times Square. Many of you reading this were actually there at the Live Concert Recording! Now, I've heard the unmixed version, which by the way sounds amazing, and I promise you...Your cheers and applause will be represented loud and clear on this album! 

This Live Concert Recording celebrates the Three Time Academy Award-Winning Husband and Wife songwriting team, Alan & Marilyn Bergman. Who by the way are celebrating 60 years of marriage together this year! Isn't that amazing!!?? So, I think they might have a thing or two to say about life and love.

Celebrating them and their songs is a dream come true for me!

I personally have been drawn to their songs for so many years. And, I just love interpreting their beautiful, amazing, poignant, heartfelt and deep lyrics. I mean every time I sing one of their songs, it's like I'm singing it for the first time...going on a brand new journey, Every - Single - Time! And, the collective beauty is that their songs offer that same powerful journey to the listener as well. That's why I feel so passionate about getting this album out there and into your hands! 

The Album is a collection of 18 of their most beloved songs, such as:

  1. Where Do You Start?
  2. What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?
  3. How Do You Keep The Music Playing?
  4. Nice 'N' Easy
  5. The Way We Were
  6. The Windmills of Your Mind
  7. On My Way To You
  8. Between Yesterday and Tomorrow...and 10 More!

By you contributing to this project...You will be helping make a Dream Come True for me! Singing and expressing myself through song is my true passion and the reason I feel I was put on this earth. I love to give emotionally to my audience and receive all that love back! There truly isn't anything like the energy of a live performance and that amazing energy was caught on this recording...You can just feel it, even if you weren't there live.

And, now You as the contributor can make this CD a reality!

What We Need 

Here is the breakdown as to where your funds are going:


  1. $1,500 - CD Manufacturing
  2. $1,200 - CD Mixing & Mastering
  3. $750 - Graphic Design
  4. $1,600 - Song Royalties
  5. $795 - Studio Photographer
  6. $5,000 - BluJazz Distribution/Radio Promotion
  7. $2,500 - PR/Management
  8. $3,000 - New Music Charts for touring
  9. $450 - Crowdfunding Video
  10. $1,000 - CD Release Concert 
  11. $2,500 - Advertising

The following funds have already been paid by me personally: $2,985 (In addition to what is needed)

  1. $1,500 - Live Concert Recording
  2. $1,485 - Musicians/Director



Thank You

These songs speak for themselves and they come with a Universal Truth...and that Truth is: In Love we are all the same...We all hurt, we all cry, we all feel passion and our biggest gift is to love so deeply that we see beyond the faults of this world and each other, and to remember that love is always the answer, no matter what.

And, it's through these songs of love, life and hope that connect us all and make us realize that together we can achieve anything!

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking this journey with me. Please check out the great perks on this site, and I hope you are moved to contribute to this project...because we can't do this without YOU! 

Other Ways You Can Help

If you feel moved by my campaign...please go ahead and share it with someone who you think would want to participate in this exciting journey with us!!! God Bless You!!!

With Love & Gratitude,

Marieann Meringolo


*Important Info: CD Release Concert to be held Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at The Iridium, 1650 Broadway, New York, NY 10019


Special Thanks to: Ralph Lampkin at Lampkin Music Group, Greg Pesenko at BluJazz Productions, Grace Blake, Booking Manager at The Iridium, Scott Barbarino, Larry Myers & Rob Lester at Nitelife Exchange, Frank Dain at Bart/Art Design, Shoshana Feinstein at Famous in NY, Eric Farber, photographer, Stephen Sorokoff, photographer, Zoe Lyons Nieves, Jack Batman & Bruce Robert Harris at SunnySpot Productions. 

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Choose your Perk

I'm A Director!

I'm A Director!

$350 USD
Let's be Direct...This is an Awesome Deal! You get the digital downloaded Album, the Here's to the Ladies! CD/DVD, Between Yesterday & Tomorrow/BluJazz Baseball Cap, Plus 2 Signed CDs and 2 Free Tickets to the CD Release Concert on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 @ The Iridium! A BIG THANKS DIRECTED AT YOU!!!
Included Items
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
  • Here's To The Ladies! CD/DVD
  • Baseball Cap
  • 2 Free Concert Tickets
  • 2 Autographed CDs
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.
I'm A Fan!

I'm A Fan!

$25 USD
I Love My Fans! So come on and be the first to own Marieann Meringolo's Live CD of her critically acclaimed concert "Between Yesterday & Tomorrow: The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman" Recorded Live at The Iridium...You'll feel like you're experiencing your own private concert! YOU ARE FAN-TASTIC!!!
Included Items
  • Copy of New CD
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
22 claimed
Ships worldwide.
I'm A Supporter!

I'm A Supporter!

$50 USD
You are Always There! This perk will give you BOTH a Digital and Physical copy of the new album. Be the first to own Marieann Meringolo's Live CD of her critically acclaimed concert "Between Yesterday & Tomorrow: The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman" Recorded Live at The Iridium! YOU ARE SO SUPPORTIVE!!!
Included Items
  • Copy of New CD
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
17 claimed
Ships worldwide.
I'm A Follower!

I'm A Follower!

$100 USD
Thanks for the Follow! Get Marieann's ("Four Star Dazzler" - Cabaret Scenes) CD/DVD Combo of her live show "Here's to the Ladies! A salute to great ladies in song." Plus the digital album and a copy of the new CD! FOLLOW ME TO THE END!!!
Included Items
  • Copy of New CD
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
  • Here's To The Ladies! CD/DVD
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
25 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Happy Birthday Personal Call!

Happy Birthday Personal Call!

$150 USD
Marieann will call you on your next Birthday to sing a personal Happy Birthday to YOU! ***Marieann will contact you for your Birthday date and phone #. This Perk also gives you BOTH a Digital and Physical copy of the new album! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Included Items
  • Copy of New CD
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
  • Marieann Sings Happy Birthday!
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.
I'm A Conductor!

I'm A Conductor!

$225 USD
You Can't Top This! ...So, grab the one and only Between Yesterday and Tomorrow/BluJazz Baseball Cap! You also get the Digital Downloaded Album, Copy of the New CD and Marieann's "Four Star Dazzler" CD/DVD Here's to the Ladies! YOU'RE THE TOP!!!
Included Items
  • Copy of New CD
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
  • Here's To The Ladies! CD/DVD
  • Baseball Cap
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
I'm An Angel!

I'm An Angel!

$500 USD
You are such an Angel! You get the digital download, the CD/DVD, the Baseball Cap, Plus 2 Signed CDs and 2 Free Tickets to the CD Release Concert on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 @ The Iridium! AND...Your name listed as an "Angel" Donor on the CD! YOU TOTALLY SOAR!!!
Included Items
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
  • Here's To The Ladies! CD/DVD
  • Baseball Cap
  • 2 Free Concert Tickets
  • 2 Autographed CDs
  • Name listed as "Angel" on CD!
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.
I'm An Associate Producer!

I'm An Associate Producer!

$1,000 USD
Thank you for being my Associate Producer! You get the digital download, the CD/DVD, 2 Baseball Caps, Plus 4 Signed CDs and 2 Free Tickets to the CD Release Concert on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 @ The Iridium! AND...Your name listed as an Associate Producer on the CD! YOU FREAKIN' ROCK!!!
Included Items
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
  • Here's To The Ladies! CD/DVD
  • 2 Free Concert Tickets
  • 4 Autographed CDs
  • "Associate Producer" on CD!
  • 2 Baseball Caps
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
I'm An Executive Producer!

I'm An Executive Producer!

$5,000 USD
You sure know how to Produce! You get it all! Plus, Your name listed as an Executive Producer on the CD! BUT WAIT... You also get a One Hour Concert in your home or Private Event space with me and my Fabulous Trio! (*Sound system, piano & travel expenses to be provided by you). NOW THAT'S AN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER!!! YOU'RE OUTSTANDING!!!
Included Items
  • Digital Download Copy of Album
  • Here's To The Ladies! CD/DVD
  • 2 Free Concert Tickets
  • 4 Autographed CDs
  • "Executive Producer" on CD
  • Private Concert
  • 2 Baseball Caps
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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