Marytre - we're ready to take it to the next level!
I am James, singer and guitarist of the Charleston, SC band Marytre (pronounced 'merry tree'). Our sound has been compared to a modernized version of early 90's Pacific Northwestern rock.
We are poised with the drive and material to put out a new album, and launch a publicity campaign behind it. We desire to begin touring regionally, branch out into neighboring states and beyond. We want a solid
What/Why We Are Seeking
We are seeking assistance with fundage to pay for time in the recording studio, mixing/mastering, as well as promotional materials and services. If you can find it in your heart, as well as your wallet, to assist us in this, we would be most appreciative.
We currently have 14 solid songs ready to be recorded. We just need the funds to pay for the studio and engineer, as well as mastering. Any remaining funds will go into promoting the album once released.
What You Will Get
If you make a contribution of $1-49, first of all, thank you VERY MUCH! I will send you a link to download the entire album electronically, once it has been released.
If you make a contribution of $50 or more, again, thank you VERY MUCH! I will send you a copy of the album, once released, and it will be signed by all members of the band. I will also include a Marytre sticker. And of course, I will also send you a link to download the entire album electronically.
If you would like more information on our band, read our bio, hear our music (including our first album as well as live versions of some of the songs to be recorded), watch videos of our performances, definitely check out our website
If you are unable to donate funds but would still like to contribute to our cause, I implore you, PLEASE forward this to ANYONE/EVERYONE you know that WOULD be both willing and able help us bring back the best sound in the world - early 90's Pacific Northwestern rock! Thank you for your time and consideration.