Peter Atkins, a lonely, young painter living in New York City must confront his own jealousy and contempt for the world around him. Once marginalized and rejected from that which he loves, Peter finds no escape and demands to be heard one violent way or another.
Why this story
I am Kyle Macero, the writer, and director of the NYU Thesis Film, "Masterpiece." It's an anti-hero character study exploring themes of rejection, jealousy, contempt, and how we choose to relate to these all too familiar feelings.
Growing up, I was never able to speak about loneliness, resentment, and several negative thoughts which too often filled me with self-isolation. But when I discovered films like "Taxi Driver," "American Psycho," "Nightcrawler," I learned that I wasn't alone. That you can talk about these emotions and their toxic control. This is what I hope to do with "Masterpiece," to tell others they're not alone.
Now more than ever, bad people are doing bad things. But rather ignore these individuals, I believe it is our duty to understand them. Seek to learn how and why they become what they become. This is my hope for "Masterpiece." To grasp the structures in place that create monsters while at the same time providing a cautionary tale for what can happen when these feelings go unchecked and unanswered.
Why I need your help!
Cost Breakdown:
Hard Drives: $100
Camera Rentals: $500
Grip and Electric: $800
Props and Production Design: $600
Wardrobe: $100
Locations: $400
Transportation: $550
Crew Meals: $500
Post-Production Fees: $250
Festival Submissions: $200.01
TOTAL: $4000.01
Stills from Kyle's Other Works