Math Plushies!
Math Plushies!
Math Plushies!
Math Plushies!
Math Plushies!
Making math cute and cuddly.
Making math cute and cuddly.
Making math cute and cuddly.
Making math cute and cuddly.
This campaign is closed
Math Plushies!
Making math cute and cuddly.
Making math cute and cuddly.
Making math cute and cuddly.
Making math cute and cuddly.
Making math cute and cuddly.
Math plushies are soft, cuddly toys that take the shape of specific mathematical formulas or shapes; in other words, huggable math! The ones I hope to develop include 3D graphs, 3D fractals, and polyhedra.
To make math cute and cuddly! I hope that by turning mathematical ideas into plushies, I will spark a greater interest in math in people, particularly girls. I hope they'll look at the plushies and wonder, "What does that mean? How is it made?" and start to notice patterns. Each plushie will include a tag that includes a description of its mathematical shape.
Here is some information about prototypes I have developed:
Plush paraboloid: A paraboloid is the 3D analog of a parabola. The equation for a parabola is y = x^2; the equation for a paraboloid is z = x^2 + y^2. You can think of a paraboloid as a parabola spun around on the y-axis.
Plush Dodecahedron: A dodecahedron, a kind of polyhedron, is a 12-faced figure. Each face is a pentagon, which is a 5-sided shape.
Plush Stellated Dodecahedron: A stellated dodecahedron is a dodecahedron with a 5-sided pyramid growing out of each face.
I am breaking this idea into two projects. In this current project, I aim to raise money to have one professional prototype (as you can probably see, my sewing skills are a little lacking). I currently plan to work with Make My Toy, which will charge me $280 for the first prototype, which will be a professional plush paraboloid. I am trying to raise $500 because this is the minimum amount Indigogo allows, but also to take into account the 4% fee Ingigogo takes if my fundraising goal is met (9% if my goal isn't met) and the cost of the perks. Any additional funds I raise will go toward developing a prototype of a Sierpinski pyramid. To see more prototypes I would like to develop, check out "Future Ideas" on my website.
In my next project, which will probably be on Kickstarter and have a much larger fundraising goal, I will raise funds to have the plushies manufactured and shipped. If you contribute to this project, I will keep you updated on the second project.
What's in it for me?
If you contribute $15 ($25 if you don't live in the US or Canada), you can get your very own mini math plushie of your choice, sewn by me. For every $15 you contribute, you get an additional mini math plushie of your choice. If you are interested in having a professionally manufactured math plushie, donate $20 ($30 if you don't live in the US or Canada), and I will give you a coupon for one should my next project succeed. (If my next project doesn't succeed, the coupon is good for one mini math plushie sewn by me plus candy.)
The available mini math plushies are:
Mini Plush Paraboloid
Mini Plush Sierpinski Pyramid
Mini Plush Sierpinski Cube
Mini Plush Dodecahedron
More pictures coming soon! Note that appearance may vary as these are hand sewn. When you donate $15 or more, I will let you know the available color and style options.
If you donate less than $15 but more than $6.99, you get a (US) candy bar/box/bag of your choice. (Worth up to $2, and it must be candy I can find fairly easily.)
Whatever amount you donate, you will have my sincere thanks and your name/link on my website. If you have an idea for a perk that is not listed, send me an email at allison.matus(at) and we can work something out.
When you donate, let me know which math plushie/candy you would like by entering it in the comment form (Step 3 after you click the "Contribute" button) or by emailing me at allison.matus(at) If you email me, please include the address where your perk will be delivered to so I know that you actually donated.
Mini Plush Paraboloid
Mini Plush Sierpinski Pyramid
Mini Plush Sierpinski Cube
Mini Plush Dodecahedron
If you would like a perk or some combination of perks not offered in the list (such as a mini plush stellated dodecahedron, for example), contact me and we can work something out.
How else can I help?
Spread the word! Use the share buttons provided on this page. Especially let the nerds in your life know about this project. Also, if you have any ideas for or questions about this project, please don't hesitate to contact me at allison.matus(at)