Matt & the Wall
Matt & the Wall
Matt & the Wall
Matt & the Wall
Matt & the Wall
This campaign is closed
Matt & the Wall
"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." – Donald Trump, 2015
In June 2015, Donald Trump proclaimed his grand idea of building a wall along the U.S./Mexico border if he were elected as President of the United States in the upcoming election. Although a ridiculous notion (you never really know with this guy), this contentious statement brings some longstanding issues to light.
Matthew is privileged to live in Canada where his family immigrated to when he was a year old. His family wasn't forced to migrate due to persecution. He lives in the relative safety of a developed society. However, he's been thinking a lot about what it would mean to be the kind of peacemaker Jesus spoke of in his gospel.
From October 1–10, 2016, Matthew will be travelling to Nogales, Arizona to participate in the World Student Christian Federation's Ecumenical Transformative Diakonia (say that fast 3 times). The first seven days of Border Solidarity, he'll be learning:
In the final three days of his experience, he'll be participating in the School of the Americas Watch Convergence – a gathering of U.S. and Mexican community activists to "stage protests, cultural events and nonviolent direct action against racism, xenophobia, and US militarization at home and abroad."
FUNDING: The funds will be divided into two main parts. If you look at the different donation levels, you'll see some fun things that will help communicate what he's learned to the people at home. (Donation levels are subject to change if I get some wicked cool ideas)
PRAYER: Prayer is always a great thing. And as much as I ask that you pray for me, I hope that you can use the effort and time to meditate on the people affected by these violences...and by Trump.
MESSAGE: Send me your verbal support, it's much appreciated!
SHARE: Share this on your social medias and Face pages!
Big thank you and shout out to the Student Christian Movement (Canada and UofT Branches) for the vote of confidence and financial support and for being a safe place for me in this past year.
Big thank you to the World Student Christian Federation for creating this opportunity and putting peace-talk into practice.
Learn more about the School of Americas Watch here.