We cannot believe it!! Kathy Tong who was the original model "Mona Sax" in the Max Payne 2 Games has sent us some love from the USA and to wish us luck on the project!
Help us in the last 2 weeks to reach our goal so we can fly her over to the UK and BE IN OUR FILM!!
In the words of Mona "God I turned out to be such a damsel in distress"
As huge fans of the MAX PAYNE game we are looking to re-create the magic that first ignited our passion in 2001. Now many years on, we felt it was time for the fans to get a true MAX PAYNE fan film they deserve. We want to make 'YOU' the ultimate MAX PAYNE fan film, one that even Sam Lake himself could be proud of.
Following on from the games continued success, the portrayal of MAX PAYNE will stay true to his nature and fully embrace his character. Telling a more sinister tale of what "Max" goes through in his day to day experiences, we will explore a slightly deeper insight into his life. Leaving no stone un-turned on our quest for the ultimate Fan Film, we want to do our very best to replicate the magic and film-noir feel that MAX PAYNE was best known for.
Leroy Kincaide, Writer/Director: @leroykincaide
An experienced film maker, who has worked in the realm of entertainment for well over a decade. Leroy has gained experience and worked both on and off the camera. From appearing on a small host of TV shows/feature films and winning the 2013 Professional Photographer Magazines Award for (BEST FASHION FILM). Drawn to dark concepts and interesting stories, Leroy shares an interest in acting, film directing, producing and script writing.
Chloe Chudasama, Producer/Photographer: @chloecphoto
With a highly seasoned background in event production Chloe has helped manage some of the worlds largest brand marketing campaigns. Along with a background in event production, Chloe also has over 5 years of photography experience and like Leroy, is drawn to dark and creative concepts.
After working together for over five years both Chloe and Leroy formed their production company Nocturnal Pictures in 2014, and are looking to produce films in the Action/Horror genre.
As a non-profit fan film, we want to put all your donations into the production costs, to help us create for "YOU" one of the best Max Payne Fan Films ever!
We are looking to make a dark action/thriller that's a cross between John Wick and SAW, but still keeping to the original MAX PAYNE elements. For us to be able to do this we will need to hire various intriguing locations such as factories, New York style bars and of course gritty apartments and houses so that we can create
a world that tells the characters stories.
generosity will help make this film a reality.
In order to give you the best we can, we have spent a lot of time conjuring up some AMAZING perks and interactive experiences to get you all involved with our film.
We have signed posters, artwork and DVDs to give away, plus experiences such as a day on set to meet the cast and crew, and not only that we have a MAX PAYNE styled Photoshoot for you and a friend.
And for the more hardcore film enthusiasts, we are offering a SKYPE Q&A with, either the Director (Leroy) or Producer (Chloe). Or if you still wanted more PAYNE action, you could always choose the weapon "Max" uses to kill one of the bad guys.
We hope that you’re as excited about our short film as we
are! And if you’re not in a position to contribute, your help and support is still valued. Simply by sharing our indiegogo project (
http://igg.me/at/maxpayneuk), helps us spread the word around, letting others know about our story.
As huge Fan's of Max Payne, WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. Please let us know what it is about the Max Payne story that you
like, furthermore what are you hoping to see in our film?
Please like our FB Page: www.facebook.com/maxpayneuk
Follow us on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/maxpayne_uk
Send us any of your questions you might have about our Fan Film and we look forward to speaking with you all soon.
Thank you for your help!
Chloe & Leroy