Short Summary
Traci is a nurse from south Georgia. She could have never imagined the roles would be reversed and she would become the patient, especially not for an extended period of time!
Please help hit this one out of the park for good! As if the diagnosis of breast cancer in 2006 was not devastating enough, it had the audacity to return not just once (2011) but reared its ugly head a third time (2012) even after a voluntary double mastectomy with reconstruction! You can not fathom the toll this is taking on Traci & her family! We are seeking to send Traci to the most advanced cancer treatment center in America - MD Anderson!
Financial burdens are insurmountable at this point. Therefore, the only option remaining is your support! Please help! Her 2 beautiful children, her loving husband , & a multitude of devoted friends need her to get better! Join our team & contribute today!
What We Need & What You Get
788 miles away from her daughter who is preparing to start her high school senior year, away from her son who vows not to live without his mom and away from her faithful husband of over 10 years...Traci has enough to deal with!
We are seeking the funds necessary to help with the trip expenses to Texas and to cover the daily household needs!
You get the satifaction in knowing that you were able to help someone truly in need. You will be the fuel to Traci's fired up will to live and beat this disease!
The Impact
If you assist in this campaign for Traci you will be making her world so much more bearable! Traci has already committed that when she gets on the other side of this she is going to do something profound with her life story! Motivational speaker? counselor to newly diagnosed cancer patients? The possibilies are endless! Make an impact on Traci's world so she can make a new mark on society!
Other Ways You Can Help
After you have given whatever you can please spread the word about this cause! Link through facebook, make flyers & take them to work, pass it along to family and friends.
Visit Traci's campaign often because it increases our gogofactor which will get us featured on the home page! Thank you so much!