Me and Mr Bolt
is a coming of age drama following Ebbie Hobbs, a young and ambitious musical theatre student from a small rural town. The story focuses on her mental health and her relationship with her music teacher, Mr. Bolt, in the days leading up to her audition for her dream theatre program. Created through Boston University's Production III honors thesis class, this work will be a culmination of the entire team's learning throughout their years at school.
Why this Story is Important
At its heart, Me and mr. Bolt is a story about believing in yourself. The film follows Ebbie Hobbs as she pursues her dreams in getting into the musical theater school she has always wanted to go to, while simultaneously dealing with challenges at home in a town where no one seems to ever leave. This film explores that sort of powerful dedication to achieving a goal, and how that is affected by one’s mental health. However, at the same time this film also highlights the power of determination, while also paying respect to those who inspired us to achieve our full potential and to find the light in the darkness that can sometimes seem to surround us.
Where is the Money Going
Producing this film was a massive undertaking. We filmed in multiple cities and multiple states, transporting our massive crew to and from Boston, while simultaneously renting out locations that would bring the story to life. Additionally we spent a lot of time and effort carefully picking out costuming and the right production design elements to create the world of Ebbie Hobbs. We also rented out professional camera and lighting equipment in order to elevate the look and feel of this film so it could be so much more than a student film. Part of the proceeds that we raise will also be used for film festival submissions so that we can share the story of Me and Mr. Bolt across the country. By donating to our film, you are not only helping us fund this project that we have spent the last four months working on, but you are also supporting the next generation of filmmakers.
Meet the Team
Andrew Logue (Director, Co-Writer) is a Director and Producer originally from Ireland. Cutting his teeth producing several award winning short films, he has now turned to directing. He directs both commercials and music videos, as well as narrative shorts. The stories that he chooses to focus on are intimate, internally focused films. He will continue to use the format of film to turn the spotlight on honest, real people's stories.
Lynn Asare-Bediako (Writer) is a Writer/Producer/1st AD from Tampa, Florida. She has produced several student short films and television shows. Lynn has written short films, features, and television shows spanning various genres. Her passion and inspiration for storytelling are derived from her experience as a black woman, first-generation Haitian-American, church background, and musician. She aims to create impactful, inclusive, and unique stories that allow people to feel seen.
Max Silber (Producer) is a Producer from New York City. Studying at Boston university over the last four years, he has taken the opportunity to explore every aspect of the filmmaking process, from writing the original concept, to shooting the film using skills of cinematography, and ultimately to editing the final cut. He has now turned to producing, where he can use his knowledge to help orchestrate a successful project.
June Oh (Director of Photography) is a Director of Photography/Cinematographer from South Korea. June is a highly skilled gaffer as well as cinematographer and has worked on multiple award-winning films. June’s primary focus is on storytelling through visual means, which is why he specifically works on projects in a role that involves lighting or using a camera. With extensive knowledge on the latest lighting and camera equipment being used in the industry, June is an extremely valuable member of the team. June finds real joy in collaborating with others and brings his enthusiasm and eagerness to every project he works on.
Julia Desantis (Production Designer) is a visual storyteller who loves bringing nuanced narratives to life. Whether through writing, directing or production design, Julia works to uncover and visualize layers in characters, conflicts, and environments. Especially in production design she believes she has a beautiful power to ground films in authenticity. She enjoys working with her hands to make desired props and design elements into existence.
Lavender Wang (Editor) is an Editor from the Bay area in California. With over seven years of crafting narratives in software such as Adobe Premiere Pro/Animate/After Effects, and DaVinci Resolve, Lavender brings her passion for storytelling to the post-production process. Inspired by films like Fight Club and Bonnie and Clyde, Lavender uses her talent to find the perfect pacing, rhythm, and emotional impact for every story that she works on. Lavender looks forward to using her editing expertise on feature films after she finishes her undergraduate degree.
Meet the Cast
Katrina Brianna (Ebbie Hobbs) is an actress and singer/songwriter based in LA, CA. She originally started in musical theater, but found a love for film acting two years ago. Throughout that time, she has acted in numerous short films and feature films on the East and West Coast. She looks forward to telling more stories through acting.
Glenn Zienowicz (Mr. Bolt) is a native Rhode Islander who is delighted to have been invited to participate in this short film! Glenn has his BA in Theater with a concentration in Directing from the Conservatory at Shenandoah University. He is a teacher with the Providence School District and has a dual certification in Theater and English Language Arts. To date, Glenn has produced and directed over 18 academic productions. Locally, Glenn has performed with Trinity Rep, Theater by the Sea, Ocean State Theater Company, and Kaleidoscope Theater among others. At present, Glenn is the Baritone Soloist at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Providence. Glenn would like to dedicate his performance in, Me and Mr. Bolt to former student turned colleague Annette Milburn.
Anna Rizzo is a TV/Film actor who recently guest starred on Law & Order and FBI: Most Wanted and won numerous awards for her roles in various independent films, including 5 Best Actress wins for her starring role in On the 7th Date. In addition, she earned a degree from Berklee College of Music and is a singer-songwriter and vocal coach.
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