Short Summary
My name is Shehroze Malik. I grew up in Queens Village, New York and currently reside in Long Island. Ever since a young age, my grandfather instilled in me the principle that every little thing can use that extra touch of innovation. I was inspired by the dental and surgical instrumentation sector and learned all I needed to about business, marketing, and innovation from self-help books found at the library highlighting great authors such as John Maxwell, alongside college marketing courses and constant consulting from my Business Mentors. I genuinely believe this industry can use that extra push and my desire for it to be a successful company does not fall short either.
Dental & Surgical Instruments are a category of items that fall over the head of many people and if people took the time to realize how crucial they are they would genuinely appreciate them even more than I do. That surgery you had when you were 16 was done by a precision grade of forceps that gave that doctor the extra inch and the dentist that you rely on to keep your teeth healthy used a special grade of instruments before she lectured you on eating less candy. These things impact our society and I need to set out and put in that extra touch of innovation.
With your help, I can improve the foundation in which this industry was built on and the world as a whole can benefit with the extra work put in into these instruments in order for people to go on carefree with their lives!
What We Need & What You Get
We would need the funds to build the instruments we have to their highest pinnacle and gain purchase orders and collective item orders! With your help, we will make sure that a portion of every purchase order will go to the Charity, "Doctors Without Borders", Medical aid where it is needed most. Independent. Neutral. Impartial.
Risks & Challenges
With all great pinnacles involves the risk that we may not be able to do all that is asked of us! In life, we have to push forward and not live in regret that we didn't go about helping something that could've done what was expected of it! I can vouch for the precision and safety these instruments provide the world.
Other Ways You Can Help
Words and the passion they hold have the power to change the world around us! With your help and everyone you can reach out to donate would be highly appreciated. Your cousin, college roommate, ex-wife, uncle or 12th-grade marketing teacher, we don't tend to be picky on people willing to help!