Sooo... how does this meeba thing really work?
meeba let's you choose your own "ringtrack" to every occasion. Love Rock? How
about jazz or Hip-Hop? Maybe you have a thing for movie soundtracks or a
soft spot for Mozart? Or hey, maybe you’d like to compose your own tune? Or even use your own voice? Doesn't matter who you are or what you love, meeba
is the musical doorbell you always wanted, but never knew you could have.
"Don't-Shoot-the-Pizza-Guy" Mode
your little angel is finally sound asleep. Suddenly, a loud ring breaks the
silence... someone rang the doorbell! All hell breaks loose. Your baby is up and screaming, and you probably want to kill the pizza guy... This is where meeba comes in... instead of killing the pizza guy,
you can simply use your meeba 'silent mode'. That way you’ll be
able to enjoy your pizza, along with some well-deserved quiet time.
Don't shoot him...!
Meet the meebapp
Get instant alerts every time someone rings your doorbell via
our amazing meebapp! (iOS® | Apple watch | Android™ | Android Wear | Pebble Technology).
*meeba offers great
accessibility options for both hearing and vision impaired.
At meeba we believe that not everything should be about the bottom line.
Life is bigger than that. That's why once we'll hit our goal of raising $30K
(with your kind help), for every 5th meeba we'll sell, we'll contribute one to the
community. So, if you have ideas about who can really make the most of a meeba, let us know and we will seriously consider your recommendation!
>> contact us here: meebamail@gmail.com <<
Music to your ears
Old ringing bells - OUT, Cool music - IN! Every meeba
automatically comes with 4 fun tunes. Want to upgrade your music library? You
can choose a music package with your favorite music genre and get 5 extra tunes
to welcome people at your doorstep. Our music packages include everything from
EDM, jazz, Trance, Country, Classical, Hip Hop, SFX - to movie soundtracks and
even your very own voice recording!
Super easy installation
1. Replace your old doorbell with meeba. It takes minutes!
2. Turn on the meebapp.
3. That’s it!
No professional help or special heavy tools
How can you support meeba?
If you happen to know a door that seeks
for an intelligent, music loving and handsome doorbell please send it our
way! Support meeba and help us reach as many doors as possible! If you can't
contribute, that's fine. By sharing our campaign with your friends
and getting the word out, you can still help us and the doors you know.
please do share!
meeba's Timeline
meeba's super-heroes team
meeba's amazing partners
- PR agency (local): Arcadi Deich
** FAQ **
1/ What are the shipping rates?
shipping is 10$. International shipping rates vary depending on the recipient's
country. Shipment does not include custom fees or any additional costs that may
vary from country to country.
2/ Will
my meeba come with a warranty?
meeba comes with a 12 months warranty (starting at shipment). It's also
important to know that prior to shipment each meeba is carefully checked and
only then thoughtfully packaged and sent.
3/ Why
support meeba?
You could be the first person on planet earth to receive and use a meeba!
Here's Why!
As a contributor you save money on the final retail price...
Your guests will thank you for ever (you can thank us later).
4/ Where will my 5$ / 10$ donations go?
All funds raised during this campaign are
used to better our product on all fronts. All future funds will be used for meeba's mass production and fulfillment.
5/ Android and iOS friendly?
Yes! Smartphones, Tablets, Smartwatches...
6/ Will I need a master's degree in order to install meeba?
You will need to remove your old doorbell and install meeba in its place, no extra wiring, no master's degree needed. Only few minutes of your time and couple of simple tools.
7/ No wires? That means no electricity?
As a Company that preserves the environment, meeba is very light on the energy consumption so two AA batteries will do (INCLUDED!). The batteries will last 1-3 years. Once your run low, you will get an direct alert from your meebapp to replace batteries.
8/ The meebapp - How do I download and set it up?
Once you unbox your meeba, you'll need to complete the WiFi setup process. Simply download the meebaap to your smartphone or tablet and create an account. Now you can download the meebapp to as many smartphones, smartwatches or tablets you want, just enter your account details and use it from whatever's in your hand. You need to complete the WiFi setup process only once...
9/ Can I use ifttt.com?
you can!
you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us: