Anthos Tech
0 Campaigns
| Costa Rica

Lily: The best option to take care of your garden!

Lily the union between technology and nature

Lily is a self-sufficient device that uses solar energy, inspired on the sunflowers, she has the following functions: takes the humidity and temperature of your garden, charge your phone, it´s a lamp, Wi-fi or Bluetooth connection and also you and your plants can listen music. All through Lily´s app

Your plants can suffer damage if you don't control temperature and humidity since their ability to absorb nutrients depends on these factors. So, what can you do?

Temperature and humidity are the most important!

Your plants can suffer damage if you don't control temperature and humidity since their ability to absorb nutrients depends on these factors. So, what can you do?

How Sensors works?

The sensors can detect the amount of water and the thermal level of the environment.

The best solution can be found in the Lily´s app, which allows you to measure and control temperature and humidity to ensure the well-being of your plants

Here is Lily! your best solution!

The best solution can be found in the Lily´s app, which allows you to measure and control temperature and humidity to ensure the well-being of your plants

A fun fact is that your plants can sense the waves of music! Lily can play  from your favorite app!
A fun fact is that your plants can sense the waves of music! Lily can play from your favorite app!
Sunflowers track the sun's path, as they rotate in search of sunlight. This known as heliotropism!
Sunflowers track the sun's path, as they rotate in search of sunlight. This known as heliotropism!

For early backers will provide 10% off

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Meet Lily the self-sufficient device

On social media, our audience will be able to see more pictures, videos, technical info, uses and more updates about Lily´s functionalities.