Our Story
I'm Franz De Paula and Mentalmorfosis is the name of my book.
It's a handwritten manifesto. It's a process of thought. It's a challenge to the world to evolve as the most intelligent species yet discovered.
It took me about 4 years to compile, process, transform, understand, structure and dame the beast in my head.
I structured -based on historic facts, quotes, experiences, knowledge and information from various sources- a line of thought which detonates a revolution in the way we behave and conceive reality, our world and ourselves; it confronts our choice-making processes and changes our ordinary perception; incites to reinvent and expand our knowledge about our world; and persuades to have a unique vision, to develop it and live of it.
I finished it a few months ago and now I have a great project lead by a team of amazing collaborators, people interested, motivated, touched by it, helping and wanting to spread the message because they believe in it and have experienced it in their own lives.
They're my friends and I feel proud and honored to have them beside me. We've know each other for many years in some cases and more recently in some others but, as it has been turning out, we've been all connected in one or another way for many many years, not knowing it until now.
I called them one day and showed them the book to see what they thought about it.
Each of them loved it and found a resonance, they'd experienced this process of thought and were living of their passion or trying to. Some of them took life-changing decisions after reading it.
We've collected phrases and moments, we've even made a big board in a wall where we're all pined and we post things for the project, including the whole strategy.
We'll try to tell all about it in www.experimentomm.com and hope you find yourself connected to us in some amazing and improbable way.
So now we want to spread the message of Mentalmorfosis.
We want to create a movement.
We want to provoque reactions.
We all love living of what we do and we want everyone to do it as well.
Besides making a beautiful iBook and eBook with BASA, a great animation studio (http://www.basaestudio.com, http://vimeo.com/basa) with whom we're making awesome material, we want a printed edition to distribute it in Mexico (1,500 copies), give it to more people who might find it interesting and might support in some other ways, so we can eventually live of this and help people do the same.
We also want an English version which we'll make available in its digital format, also with help of BASA.
Then, we'll take it to other countries.
The Impact
Spreading the word is our goal. We believe in it and we think everyone is capable to apply it to its own live.
Since this is a book about DOING things, changing, evolving, understanding that we all can do whatever we want; we won't stop, we don't want to. We'll keep on trying to get resources elsewhere, everywhere. We'll save more money and print it eventually, we don't mind if it takes a little longer.
But, if we succeed, more people will be able to receive the message and bounce to it. Maybe someone understands something and changes to a more happier way of living and doing things, we'll be able to grow this project, learn more, have more versions of the book in other languages, and ultimately, live of this.
Confucius said: find a job you love and you'll never work again.
So, we love what we do and we'll keep on doing it and trying to make people do it too.
What We Need & What You Get
Help us pay for the first printed edition.
We're paying the 50% advance necessary to print the first edition (1,500 copies) on time for the Presentation of the book, but we'll not be able to cover the rest plus the expenses of the presentation without a little help.
We also need help to pay for the translation of the book and release it in its digital format (iBook and eBook).
If you like the book and its idea, and you contribute, you'd be able to receive, among the perks: a printed T-shirt, a first printed edition signed, a signed poster and/or many other things, depending on your contribution.
All of the books will be signed and some of them will include a thank you note or a comment from the author.
We'll send to all of our contributors the complete book in a PDF file.
PLEASE, if you want to share it, send the link to the SPECIAL PREVIEW:
Mentalmorfosis by Franz De Paula
Special Preview
It's a hadwritten manifesto.
It's a process of thought.
It's a challenge to the world to evolve as the most intelligent species yet discovered.
Other Ways You Can Help
Sharing the Special Preview is our favorite kind of help but also talking about the concepts you most liked, the ones which you feel belong to you.
These are important links as well:
We have two main social networks:
Help us bring Mentalmorfosis to your community
We've prepared a couple of activities to bring the concept of the book to groups of people and communities:
Expo Mentalmorfosis
Pieces created by great photographers, film and videomakers, designers, writers, animators and composers, detonated by Mentalmorfosis.
It also shows some of the original material which detonated the pieces and, if the space and time allows it, an intervention of the space developed by a team of "crazy" people.
Mentalmorfosis Talk
A one-hour talk where Franz De Paula presents Mentalmorfosis and talks about the connections it has allowed between persons who have experinenced it in some way.
We hope you can relate to it, feel connected.
If you have friends who are interested in uncommon things, science, lateral thinking, evolving, changing, searching for something different, tired of their lives, their jobs, questioning everything, feeling different, aside, from another planet, or they are happy, they've found it, are doing what they please and are actually making a living out of it... tell them about Mentalmorfosis, send them the links.
Thank you!