It all began when we sat down to play on our usual game night. The game was great but having played it so many times got us kind of bored. How many times could we play the same game without anything to refresh the gameplay and keep things interesting?
So out of curiosity we built a simple, yet awesome system that spiced up our old games.We then discovered that the old games that we were so used to can really become more awesome with many more options, surprises and tactics!
![title1 meta1]()
We tried the new method on another game and another and another…. And discovered that to every game that we added the new addition to actually becomes a new game with different game play and new tactics in an awesome way.
After testing this game add-on for quite some time and after much effort we are now ready to share it with the world.
We are proud to present to you the game add-on that can be added to any game in the world and make it more awesome – Meta Awesome Cards
![title2 meta2]()
![title3 basetitle3]()
Meta Awesome Cards is a game add-on that can be added to any existing game and add new options to your games. Meta Awesome Cards includes various new rule cards and many activities that can be integrated into your favorite games.
The rules are so simple! Pick up a Meta Awesome card before your “real” turn and follow the instructions. Some cards will give you “Awesome Points” which you can later use in order to activate “Really Awesome Cards” that have a stronger affect on the game play and will completely turn things around.
Now you are a Meta Awesome Cards expert!
![title4 b2]()
Each deck comes with 100 cards.
![title5 b3]()
There are three different types of cards in this game. Each type has a unique design their back. The Instant Action Cards, Delayed Action Cards and Really Awesome Cards.
Instant Action Cards:
Instant Action Cards are cards that are instantly activated once they are picked up.
For example:
![card1 card type1]()
Delayed Action Cards:
The Delayed Action Cards are marked by an eye design on the cards back. These cards are meant for your eyes only and will be revealed to the other players only when activated. After activation follow the instructions on the card and reveal only what is says to the other players.
For example:
![card6 card 6]()
Really Awesome Cards:
The third kind of cards (marked by a colorful games design on the cards back) are Really Awesome Cards. You can use the Awesome Points you collected from the other two kinds of cards to activate them and create an advantage in the game you're playing.
For example:
![Save Game Really Awesome Cards]()
Meta Awesome Cards also includes a few more types of cards that are bound to make your games even more exciting!
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We need $15,000 to print our first batch of Meta Awesome Cards and in order to cover our expenses for packaging and storage.
Any funding beyond the initial goal will help us add more cards that will be sent to all our Funders.
How? With great expansion packs! If we get to the Second Goal of $19,000 we will add the expansion pack of 20 cards, which are specifically made for card oriented games, to all the decks (yes, even for the Funders who helped us get the first amount). If we get to the Third Goal of $23,000 we will add a pack of 20 cards which are specifically made for board games. Any additional funds will help us spread the game throughout the world and give everyone the opportunity to play their old games again in a more awesome way!
We have completed the design, packaging, and development and have distributors lined up. All we need is your help.
Spread the word!
How? Easy! Share this project with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere you'd like.
Thank you all, and let the games... BEGIN!
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Other than our ultimate gratitude for your help, we are offering various gifts to our Funders. These include more game add-ons, t-shirts and even specialized cards. We've got some awesome stuff for you!
Just take a look at the side bar to see all the awesome rewards we have for you.
Thank you for helping us! You are truly Awesome!!