Metamorphosis: A temple for change
is a temple of transformation being built for the AfrikaBurn 2015 event in
South Africa. It is, however, much more than just an art project – it is a
social project for change, with a vision to facilitate mass metamorphosis at
the Burn, within ourselves and within our home communities.
temple will be built for and burnt at the AfrikaBurn festival but the journey
of metamorphosis will live on through all those involved in making the art
piece a reality and all those that revelled in it. Personal journies of
transformation will be shared with others, helping to teach and inspire through
our website. You are invited to contribute your story, which will be printed and incorporated into the structure, your words released in flames into the African night sky.
The idea is to encourage
change for the better. To this end we are upskilling four artists / builders/ sculptors from the Thusong youth centre in Alexandra township in Johannesburg. They are involved in the building of
Metamorphosis – the perfect opportunity to learn
to work with carpentry tools and metal from some experienced builders. They are accompanying the Metamorphosis team into the desert and will be seeing the project through to completion.
Metamorphosis will live beyond the Burn itself. We are inspiring practical and
real transformation in our home communities, where we have the power to make a
difference. To start this process we are revamping a place of safety for women rescued from prostitution and human trafficking.
is the regional Burning Man festival in
South Africa, held at the end of April. Participants gather annually in the Tankwa Karoo to create a
spectacular city of art, theme camps, costume, music and performance. Every
year a temple is built at AfrikaBurn; this is intended to be a sacred
space for meditation, a place where participants can honour, celebrate and
mourn those that have journeyed on. It is a place for ceremonies of commitment,
farewell and friendship and to celebrate all that is wonderful in this life. The temple
burns at the end of the festival, providing a catharsis for participants to
burn all that no longer serves them, to let go. Our intention is that
Metamorphosis will be the most powerful temple space South African Burners have
ever experienced.
temple is made of eight butterfly wings and will stand at eight meters high, spanning 20 meters in diameter. In
numerology, eight signifies both building and destruction. Temples are places
to do just that – places where we can destroy unhealthy patterns and build new
ones. The wings symbolise freedom, flight, and metamorphosis. The wings are
supported by four gateways, facing the cardinal points, which bear symbols of
the four elements: wind, water, fire and air. From the center, a cut crystal chandelier will hang from a flower of life, casting prism rainbows around the
In addition to the temple being a quiet place for personal
reflection, we are calling on artists, musicians, dancers and facilitators to
use the space for conscious activity during the course of AfrikaBurn. We envision morning meditations, musical gatherings,
weddings and other conscious ceremonies being held here.
Metamorphosis project is being headed up by Verity Maud who has been involved
with AfrikaBurn since it began. She runs an interior design business and works
in the personal transformation arena by facilitating creativity workshops
called The Artery, which encourage and enable people to connect deeply to
their own creative life force.
Our vision is
that all who are involved in the project will have a positive personal
transformation. Choose a metamorphosis you want to see in your life and join us
in a daily practice of meditation in the lead-up to the Burn. Journal too -
it's a powerful tool. Our vision is that
many people experience a personal metamorphosis through being involved in the
project, touching lives not only in the desert, but internationally too. We
want to hear your personal stories of transformation - share
your story on our website when you are ready.
vision is to offer skills development to those in need of work and training by
getting them involved with the building of Metamorphosis. Here they can
learning to work with carpentry tools and metal, but also the tools to create
their dreams.
vision is to empower underprivileged people, bolstering their self esteem, their
connection to life and their belief that they are important enough to dream
We want to make the movement for change beyond the
microcosm of the Burn. We want to make a difference in our home communities.
To start this process we are revamping the Home of Hope in Hillbrow, Johannesburg which rescues women from prostitution and human trafficking. All our leftover funds will be going towards giving these women a comfortable and safe environment.
Thank you for helping us be the change we want to see!