What does METTA THEATRE do?
Metta Theatre offers free theatre and film training to Taos youth (teens - 20's) in acting, script writing, producing, and lighting. These young actors, writers, and producers receive free membership in the creative youth company called METTA YOUNG ARTISTS.
Every week Metta produces and hosts three acting workshops and one writing workshop, free of charge. These workshops provide high quality and well-rounded acting experience that includes physical warm-ups, vocal training, script break-down, improvisation, audition techniques, and readings from great American playwrights such asTennessee Williams, William Inge, Arthur Miller, etc.
We maintain an annual production schedule of full-length and one-act plays, music nights, poetry slams, and film screening events, all created in collaboration by and for youth.
We work closely with respected agencies and casting directors in New Mexico who are seeking new and fresh youth talent for the growing TV and film industry in New Mexico. We shoot demo-reels for young actors wanting to apply for their own agency representation, and we have coached numerous young artists in auditioning for the New Mexico School of the Arts.
We offer social work services on an "on-call" basis for any member looking for professional help, find local employment for our youth members, and provide educational guidance (signing up for/completion of GED, college applications, etc.) to the youth in collaboration with local education non-profits.
Metta Theatre also teaches weekly drama classes in five different local high schools and middle schools throughout Taos County, free of charge. These are the schools whose arts and theatre programs have been cut. Metta Theatre fills this gap by providing the students an opportunity to express themselves in a program that otherwise would not exist.
Our goal is to expose every high school and middle school student to theatre and acting since we believe creative expression is vital to the growth of both the individual and the community.
We are currently in the process of setting up classes for Juvenile Probation and Parole clients and inmates at the local Juvenile Detention Center. We hope that those interested will continue to become members of Metta Young Artists.
Metta Theatre has been producing plays and training actors since 1999 and received its Federal/IRS nonprofit status as a tax exempt public charity in 2006.
We've set a fundraising goal of $12,000 for this campaign, and will divide the money equally among three current areas of need:
1. Drama Outreach
Our programs in the schools and the criminal justice systems are not funded. Two youth volunteers and the artistic director currently volunteer time to travel, teach, prepare class work, and provide scripts for these ongoing weekly classes. The funds in this category pay the young people for their teaching, fuel expenses, and acquisition of scripts.
2. Metta Young Artists Producers
Two young local Hispanic women, both college graduates in their early 20’s, have returned to Taos and, while holding part time jobs, volunteer many hours monthly to help run Metta Theatre. In addition to performing, they do graphic design, administrative work, and design, run, and create new theatre/music/film programs for Metta Young Artists. Their generosity and creativity is much appreciated, but they are not properly compensated. Our desire is to pay them each week for their labor.
3. Reserve Fund
Metta Theatre survives economically through a combination of box office receipts, yard sales, bake sales, pancake breakfasts, donations, and a small number of grants. Some months there is not enough money to pay all the bills on time. The lease for the space housing a 35 seat black box theatre, lobby and office is $1,100. The electric, phone, internet, and natural gas for heat, average another $500 per month. There are also the regular costs for purchasing office supplies, play scripts, and paying performance royalties. We will assign 1/3 of our Indie Go-Go campaign funds to begin a reserve fund, so we have money to cover expenses when we fall short.
No matter what amount is donated, all who contribute to our campaign will receive a personal prayer flag with their name written on it which will be hung outside Metta Theatre.
We appreciate your time and views, and for sharing this campaign with your friends!
Thank you for your support in enabling the youth of Taos to creatively express themselves through theatre in a safe, loving space.
Love, Light, & Endless Gratitude,
Metta Theatre & Metta Young Artists
We love you!