The official investigation being run by governments and agencies has failed to find the plane, due to either incompetence or obfuscation.
We must work together to ensure the truth is found.
On behalf of the 3.1 billion people who fly every year we must find the truth and bring those accountable to justice. We must also prevent this from ever happening again."
... Sarah Bajc, Partner of Philip Wood, Seat 11C on MH370
MH370 disappeared from radar in the early morning of March 8, 2014. It was on a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China when it vanished over the South China Sea.
In the 100+ days since the last contact was made with MH370 there have been claims of multiple debris sightings, satellite images, pings from the air and the ocean, and hundreds of conspiracy theories which have all amounted to nothing.
Still, the plane did disappear from radar, potentially flew for an additional 7 hours undetected and unchallenged only to vanish completely without a trace. Whilst it is inconceivable this could happen to a modern jumbo jet that is what the Malaysian Government would have us believe.
This mystery has too many unknowns, false leads, unconfirmed facts and missing details. Yet, someone somewhere knows what happened to flight MH370. We hope to encourage them to come forward.
The first aspect of the campaign will be to fully fund a reward that is sizable enough to change someone’s life. Our target remains $5 million and we realize this may take a little longer than anticipated and require funds generated outside of the Indiegogo campaign.
To ensure we meet this goal we are actively negotiating with key donors willing to support the reward-only aspect of our project with sizeable pledges held in an escrow to meet the funding target. These funds would be provided only in the result of a whistle blower coming forward and the reward becoming payable.
The second aspect of the campaign will be to engage a professional, licensed private investigation company to follow up on all leads we had prior to the commencement of this campaign and rule out those which are not worth pursuing.
The third aspect will to continue to fund the investigation of leads received through the reward program. This would be a requirement for the larger pledges to be secured. The more we raise, the more investigation we can do.
We believe there is a person or persons who know the truth about what happened, and know where the plane is.
We want to encourage the truth to come out by offering a substantial reward.
Every effort to locate the plane and all on board over the past 100+ days has failed. Continuing along the same path of searching under the Southern Indian Ocean is unlikely to change the outcome. Many people believe that entire exercise is a ruse to cover up what really happened.
Something must change if we are to locate the plane and all on board. Someone somewhere knows the truth we need that person/persons to come forward and provide that information to us.
Once we have these leads our efforts will include more traditional investigative work to ensure the information provide is factual and will lead to the recovery of the plane and all on board. This will include leveraging on-ground resources in areas of interest to explore leads.
The disappearance of MH370 has highlighted many flaws in the aviation industry and the procedures used to screen passengers, cargo and monitor aircraft in flight.
This unprecedented event has placed a dark cloud over the safety of over EIGHT MILLION airline passengers every day. Until MH370 is recovered and the cause of the disappearance is known the skies will not be safe. The next time it maybe you or I on board a flight that goes missing.
The investigation, as the Malaysian Government has run it, has failed to date despite significant resource contribution by many hard working searchers, and the taxpayers of many countries. To those who contributed to those efforts , we give our whole hearted thanks.
OUR effort will not be to rehash the failures with the current investigation. Rather, we will put a fresh set of eyes on the mystery. We will use proven investigative techniques, and will do our best to offer an incentive for someone to bring forward leads that have not been considered before.
The Australian Government has said they will invest another $90 million searching the floor of the Southern Indian Ocean over the next 12 months. We think this may be a total waste of taxpayer funds and end with the same result. Unless the truth comes out about where the plane really is, every search is at best a “guestimate” scenario.
The Reward MH370 initiative is lead by a team of six people: four who are family members of passengers on the ill-fated flight, and two who are experienced with fundraising and private investigation.
All decisions made regarding management of the campaign, selection of and coordination with private investigation resources, lead advancement and reward payment must be approved by a majority vote taken by the Governance Committee.
Ghislain Wattrelos
No one feels the devastation of the loss of MH370 more than Ghislain Wattrelos, a French business executive. His wife Laurence and two of his teenage children, Hadrian and Amber, were returning from a holiday in Malaysia.
“How could this happen? In this age of constant connection and pervasive surveillance, a giant plane has been allowed to just disappear. That cannot be an accident.” Says Wattrelos. “My family deserves to be found.”
Sarah Bajc
Partner of Philip Wood, who was returning to Beijing to help her pack up their apartment for a move to Kuala Lumpur, has worked tirelessly to find the truth since the flight disappeared.
She believes “Without a fresh approach, the truth and the plane will never be found.” According to Bajc, a high school economics teacher, “Governments and agencies have given it their best shot but have failed to turn up a single shred of evidence, either because of a faulty approach or due to intentional misdirection.”
K.S. Narendran
“Lives are important. So is truth. Personal loss is hard to bear, but to live in fear is intolerable.
If we can know what happened and do so collectively by all means in our hands, we help ourselves and we serve others,” says K.S. Narendran, an Indian Management Consultant whose wife Chandrika Sharma is also on MH370.
“I want to find my wife, and I want to know the truth. Without the truth, families cannot move on with their lives. We need closure. The world needs closure.”
Pralhad Shirseth
“Since the disappearance of MH370 a dark cloud has hung over the safety of air travel and there has been growing unease over the inability of governments and their agencies to work together to ensure we are all safe when we fly.” says Pralhad Shirseth, whose wife, Kranti, was on her way to visit him in North Korea, where he was Managing an Irish-based NGO.
According to Pralhad, “Until MH370 is found and the reason for its disappearance is known we will be bombarded with conspiracy theories, false leads, books and movies which will provide nothing but conjecture. We need to find the truth and ensure this never happens again.”
Maarten Van Sluys
A Brazilian businessman, who lost his sister on Air France 447 in 2009, and was instrumental in the search and recovery of AF447, considers the mystery of MH370 more baffling, more complex and more daunting than what investigators experienced when AF447 crashed.
He said, “This recovery is going to take all the efforts of a great deal of people and I applaud the initiative of this project and the potential it will bring to the solving of this mystery.”
Ethan Hunt
“This mystery is unprecedented in the history of aviation, and we need to work as a collective community with one goal of finding the truth, the plane and the passengers,” said Ethan Hunt.
Hunt is the CEO of Rapide 3D, a former military airmen, an experienced private investigator, and a successful Indiegogo fundraiser. Hunt said. “We are convinced that somewhere, someone knows something, and we hope this reward will entice him or her to come forward.”