Micro-plastics are the oceans deadliest predator. These tiny pieces of plastic are in every ocean on the planet. Most marine animals confuse it with plankton, the base of our food chain, poisoning EVERYTHING including us.
1. At least ONE Micro-Plastic and Plankton Filter Feeder Nets are €1000 each + additional + spare parts = €2,000 Two would mean mean I can train someone to bring it to another part of the world.
Your money will be pooled to support environmentally-supportive industries. I will train divers to use these tools who will hopefully buy more!
2. I need to use an underwater video recording camera (can be rented)
6 weeks rent: about €200 Buy new and share with other scientists: €500+
3. In addition to a recording device, I will also need mapping equipment. These will include various types of ropes, measuring lines and other survey equipment to the value of about €200 - €300 or more
4. Open-Source Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle. see www.openrov.com ONLY €650!!! With enough funding, I would be able to purchase an open-source underwater ROV. I have ideas to take it into some of Ireland's lakes. If I get the money for this, I will donate the robot to UCC.
5. Satellite Data. If I get enough funding, my options will open up beyond my wildest dreams! Did you know that we all havefree access to Landsat data? Landsat is an American Satellite that has been continuously recording environmental data from the 1970s that is entirely free to download at landsat.usgs.gov
The Impact
Supporting this project is a way to pool resources to strengthen environmentally active industries such as www.sea-gear.net and other supportive businesses in Thailand such as Big Blue and others along the way.
Supporting me is also a way to strengthen my ability to articulate my concerns about these environmental threats with modern spatial, marine and satellite resources.
You are supporting independent science and education. I want to educate people with my research and educate myself about how to recontribute to these communities. I want to teach people modern skills with open-source technologies.
A big thank you to Big Blue Diving who have been very keen
this project from the beginning. This project would absolutely not have
possible without them and they have put many resources in place that has
allowed this project to come into fruition. Big Blue have done wonders
over the years to educate 10,000s of people
about the values of coral reefs and their team have played a significant
role in inspiring this project. http://www.bigbluediving.com/
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't afford to fund this campaign,
You can still be a massive asset to this campaign
Help increase awareness of this project.
Please share it widely across all forms of social media.
Email it to everyone in your contact list.
Print it out and stick it on your college / work noticeboard.
Start a fundraiser at work.
Think about how much plastic you can see right now.
Imagine what's in the ocean.
How can you decrease your plastic consumption today?
What about tomorrow?
Think about what businesses you support the next time you're doing some shopping.
Google Micro Plastic.
Look around and see who is making an effort in the world. How can you support?
Educate yourself about how you can lower your plastic consumption.