We have gone as far as we can but we need your help. We have invested thousands in production covering equipment, and food for our cast and crew and 17 hour days, gas and locations. We have also done other fundraisers that have helped a little with these costs, but we have many more expenses we are facing. Our cast and crew are truly AMAZING and have not yet been paid. They put in 8-17 hours a day for 11 days. Some have chipped money of there own that we need to pay back. Our Cast and Crew = about 35 people who deserved to paid well above the agreed upon amount!!
We finished Production, but we still have to finish Post Production. We came up short but you can get us there! Its not just the Actors, the Director, or even the Director of Photography who alone can make this happen, but a community of people who believe in our film. We want the world to see this film. Its about self worth, and strength even when it seems all hope is lost. Our film sends a powerful message about the roles we play in the lives of others and it really makes you think about how your actions affect others.Our cast and crew have poured blood sweat and tears into this film to make this happen, all while smiling and laughing the whole way through. We need you to help us finish Millionaire Man! We have already finished production but cannot get this film done without your help!