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Mimic Mouth the innovative APP created for deaf-mute people but not only.

The Mimic Mouth application will support learning of lipreading and learning sign language.

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Mimic Mouth the innovative APP created for deaf-mute people but not only.

Mimic Mouth the innovative APP created for deaf-mute people but not only.

Mimic Mouth the innovative APP created for deaf-mute people but not only.

Mimic Mouth the innovative APP created for deaf-mute people but not only.

Mimic Mouth the innovative APP created for deaf-mute people but not only.

The Mimic Mouth application will support learning of lipreading and learning sign language.

The Mimic Mouth application will support learning of lipreading and learning sign language.

The Mimic Mouth application will support learning of lipreading and learning sign language.

The Mimic Mouth application will support learning of lipreading and learning sign language.

Innovation Technologies
Innovation Technologies
Innovation Technologies
Innovation Technologies
1 Campaign |
Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland
$143 USD 4 backers
0% of $400,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Medias writes about us

Please use a website transalotr because it's all in Polish language.

The process of importing any face in HD quality to the Mimic Mouth application.

Pre-alpha Web-Mode version of Mimic Mouth:

What is the Mimic Mouth application?

The "Mimic Mouth" application, as the name implies, it will have a lot in common with the facial expressions which accompanies us every day. But in the new unseen form. Well this application will easily suport learning you to read-from-lips. It will be prepared for deaf-mute people but not only! ( maybe the CIA or FBI will use it to teach their agents reading-from-lips ;) )

Users of this application will have a virtual three-dimensional model of the face which will accurately show the movements of the facial muscles and lips correspond to the vowel, word and sentences. As a result, you will not have any problems understanding someone, if you didn’t yet mastered the art of sign language.

What, if someone wants to know sign language and fluent in? Nothing simpler! In the near future the program will be upgraded to the extent that besides the model's face, will be available virtual bust and arms that in as nice a way for the user will be taught sign language, with simultaneous speech presented gestures.

However for example, if a deaf-mute eight years old  will not feel too comfortable when his "teacher" will be a regular three-dimensional model. Fortunately the "mimic mouth" is prepared for it. Well, in "childishly simple" way the model can be adjusted to his liking.

The child may have in front of him : his mom, dad or someone else from the family, friend or colleague. It's really not a problem!

"Mimic mouth" enable an uncomplicated applying any appearance of on a virtual person. In this way, learning sign language and lip-reading becomes a simple, easy, and most importantly, enjoyable.

Well, the idea that guided the creators of this program is the famous quote:

"Remember,if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older,remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others." - Audrey Hepburn

How will it work?

For who is this app?




Although the application is mainly addressed to deaf people, but nothing stands in the way to be able to use it, anyone who just wants to acquire the skills offered by the program. It supports learning of lip reading and learning sign language. In addition, parents of deaf children for preschool - school, it will be a lot easier and relieving the study.

Ultimately, the application will be compatible with Microsoft Windows, therefore you will be able to use it on your PC, Laptop or on the Netbook. However, this is not the end of the entire project, because the next step will be to create a version for MacOS and mobile systems, such as Android OS and Apple iOS.

Mimic Mouth in your Smartphone

Mimic Mouth in TV

Mimic Mouth in your Tablet

Mimic Mouth in your Notebook

You will be able to learn anywhere! At home on the couch, lying on the bed, outside in the park sitting on a bench.

Which languages you will support?

Because to program is created in Poland, in the first instance we will focus on the Polish language.

The moment of realese the final version of the application we will start to work on the implementation of the English language.

What we need to do to create the program?

As you know, to create any program, start any activity, or to create something that would help people in need, you have to work hard! With no exceptions among the creators of Mimic Mouth. Everybody had to devote their free time program, struggling with difficult challenges and of course deadlines! For some it was extremely hard to face the challenge, an example was one of the developers, who, in order to get the necessary peace of mind to work for exactly 47 days was locked in the basement and feed only the effects of hiswork!

Don't You believe me? Well, every good text needs a little coloring! In any case, the question is, who are these "we"? First of all, need two geniuses who came up with a brilliant idea.

They, after preparing basics sketches of the Mimic Mouth program, started to look for different professionals, such as:

  • programmers, well familiar in Visual C# and Java Eclipse Enviroment,
  • three profesors responsible for the so-called. descriptive grammar and linguistics,
  • 3D artist, responsible for modeling human face ,muscles, rendering and more,
  • 2D graphics needed to create APIs ,
  • mathematician to do mathematical analysis and with skills of building mathematical models of selected algorithms (you do not need understand that, just that this sounds professional it’s enough),
  • algorithmician, able to create and optimize algorithms, constructed on the basis of decision trees.

Some ran away really fast! But We caught them!

The next step was (and still is) to collect funds to pay for the team and for project maintenance. Necessary amount were huge, and that what they were able to gather, definitely was not enough for the real start of the project, every penny counts, literally.

This counts future of millions of mute people.-yes, that is what you see! . This is and always will be our greatest motivation. I sincerely hope that for you this also mean something. If so, feel free to check out what this "Back this Project" button makes. And if this click decreases the amount on your bank account, then don't worry, it's just a coincidence. Speaking entirely seriously, we will be very grateful for every even the smallest support, which we'll try to prove by a variety of prizes - are described in more detail at the bottom of this page.

Perhaps you are wondering,why such financial requirements? No wonder. Another factor that affected to the required amount of money is a software and hardware. Two words, defining much more than you may think. The software consists set of discs for the software mentioned above "Mimic Mouth", including operating systems, programs for 2D and 3D editing, equipment for analysis the kinetic body movements and those, that would be able to record facial expressions and transfer the relevant data to specialized equipment, which name is better not to bother you head. I think you admit that this is quite a lot. It's interesting, but you still do not understand what all the fuss? Let us continue, because what you have read so far, it is only a piece of all the necessary things and the costs associated with them, we must also ensure that all employes have a place to work - both work place and expensive inventory, different for every profession, such as high-quality graphic tablet to 2D/3D artist could even think about putting his concept into a computer.

After purchasing what we need, it's time to conduct painstaking research-related, very generally speaking, the facial expressions and kinetic body movements, which will allow us to learn from highly accurate and perfectly mapped 3D model, corresponding to the appearance of all our requirements on screens of all sorts of devices. This aspect was described in the previous section.

In the end, we hope we get to the release of the product with the finished program Mimic Moth available in Electronic Download and Boxed version. Then there's nothing in the way for mute people to understand without any difficulty and talk with anyone about anything. And guess without who certainly we cannot do this? Without you, of course! Too many requests? Well, maybe you're right, but before you close the browser or go to the next project, I'd like you to read about the last thing that perhaps will change your mind or strengthen the already positive opinion.

Each of us, to a lesser or greater extent, would like to help another human being. It is an innate need. A lot would help people globally, circle of friends, village, city, country or the continent. Why? The reason is not so important. Some people just want to pull out a friendly hand, others wish to correct or improve their image and still others aim to achieve appreciation. Each of these reasons is a good one to not turn your back on someone who didn’t had to much luck in life. My point is - we all want, I think, from the bottom of my heart and you as well, but not many people know how to accomplish this. Indeed, one would think that the issue is not simple, but the program "Mimic Mouth" completely contradicts this statement. I'm not talking even about the payment of 1 pound. Just an even smaller gesture. Just to mention a few friends about the existence of this Project to indirectly support the other. A few clicks! Yes, that's easy, a few clicks to gain lifelong gratitude and appreciation! In a short while you'll be able to add the name of the nickname "Super", because that you are! That is anyone who does not turn away from people in need, you are able to make a few extra clicks to change his life! Even if you have no money to support them, we thank you with all our heart, because after all, you sacrificed those few moments, to read the text and you're still reading, but I'm running out of words limit in MS Word!

How we came up with the idea?

Our Team:

The Co-Founders:

  • Mariusz Stebelski

    I'm young (35 yo) student of Univeristy in Opole. I'm studying Computer Science. I have 15 years experience in coding. I started Innovation Technologies to make life simpler.

    My passions: good movie, phisics, the universe, coding.

  • Arkadiusz Chmielewski

    I'm 22 yo, I am a student at the University of Opole - Computer Science .I am Web/Application designer. I always wanted to help people, so that's why we create the Mimic Mouth.

    My passion: fast cars, computer science, a good book, gym.

The Team:

  • Damian Mazur 3D graphic designer

    I am 26 yo, I work with Computer graphics for over 6 years. I specialize in creating:
    -3D models, 3D animations, 3D visualization, Video special effects.

  • Tobias Cibis 2D graphic designer

    Born in Germany, as a year-old child moved with his parets to Poland and renamed as a Pole, for which is considered. Already at birth was diagnosed with incurable addiction to drawing, including unpublished numerous of comics, and ceating crazy worlds and stories. He is currently a high school student, and after schol deals with the writing, creating designs of board games and computer games. From the second year of highschool odd jobs as a freelancer, dreaming of co-productions film industry and computer games industry.

The Expert Team!:

  • PhD. Marzena Makuchowska (Univeristy of Opole)

    PhD. at the Institute of Polish and Culutural Studies at the University of Opole, linguist, longtime University teacher and teacher of Polish as a freign language, a scholar of Polish and foreign scientific foundation, the author of three books and dozens of articles on religious discourse and co-author of the manual grammar of Polish for foreigners.

    Privately: wife, mother and owner of the dog.
  • M.A. in Polish philology Weronika Forysiak (Univeristy of Opole)

    I'm young and creative teacher. I like to inspire children, I belive that everyday should be adventure. The Mimic Mouth is one of them!

    My passion: books (specially Myśliwski and books for children), instrumental music and swimming.
  • PhD. with postdoctoral degree Jolanta Nocon (Univeristy of Opole)

    I like traveling, hiking in the mountains. I like contemporary Spanish literature, I'm a lover of good (mostly British and Scandinavian) crime serials, I explore the mystery of wine and I Hope to become connoisseur in the field.

    Interest in: Linguodidactica, Stylistics linguistics, Discourse analysis, Linguistic genealogy.


  • MSc Jaroslaw Duszak (Chairman of the Polish Assocation of the Deaf Branch of Opole)

    This awesome man will help us to program the sign language in Mimic Mouth application.

  • The best lawyer in Poland! Boguslaw Wieczorek

    Helping us with all the legal matters.

    As a lawyer, I solve problems faced by entrepreneurs and helping them to understand the intricacies of Polish law. He also runs the blog "Intellectual Property in Practice''. Free time (the shorter) devote to non-codes books and (the longer) to travel.

Thanks to:

  • Andrzej Lopata
  • Anita Chmielewska
  • Boguslaw Wieczorek
  • Damian Mazur
  • Diana Popkowska
  • Dominik Krawczyk
  • Dominque Marcheterre
  • Krzysztof Kowal
  • Krzysztof Tychy
  • Marek Kowalczyk
  • Martyna Mlodojewska
  • Monika Sieron
  • Shoko Takayasu
  • Sonia Lachowska
  • Special thanks to Jaroslaw Duszak
  • Tobias Cibis & Lukas Cibis
  • Tomasz Szalanski
  • Zuzanna Sieron
  • Katarzyna Liskiewicz



Where are you from guys?
We are from Kedzierzyn-Kozle (Opole, Poland).

Why actually we create Mimic Mouth?
We want to bring help. How we managed to figure out, in Poland there is several million people who have difficulty with hearing. ~800.000 people loses their hearing through accdidents. We want that people with disabilities to be treated like the rest of society.

Do we need Employees?
Yes of course! Current vacancies are listed on (There are 4 languages - Polish, English, German and Russian).

Are we open to partnership?
Absolutely yes! Currently we are working with Polish Assocation of The Deaf and the Idea Bank S.A.

Can I invest?
Absolutely yes! You can donate. We are not looking for investors. We want to be independent in 100%

Can I help you guys?
Of course you can! Follow us on social networks: Facebook, Google+, Youtube. Brag all far and wide about the Mimic Mouth application!

Everything fine but when the app will be available?
We do not want to promise a particular date, estimated time of testing and programming is 2 years.

I want to be with you onboard
If you want to follow the fate of Mimic Mouth, we specially created a blog where you will be able to be with us up to date! (english version of the website is available since 27.02.2014).


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Thank you!

$1 USD
Every dollar counts!
2 out of 1000 of claimed

Newsletter Premium

$15 USD
EXCLUSIVE NEWSLETTER: only available via Indiegogo! We'll keep you up to date with the Mimic Mouth
0 out of 1000 of claimed

Mimic Mouth T-shirt!

$40 USD
let everyone know you support the Mimic Mouth! T-shirt for Him or for Her! (if you are in UE teritory please add 15$ for shipping, if other then UE please add 20$) Please also write the size (XS,S,M,L,XL)
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

Mimic Mouth 12-month license

$150 USD
After the release of the stable version, you get a program with license for 12 months in a BOX or electronic version. You can choose Polish version or English version
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 1000 of claimed

Mimic Mouth 24-month license

$250 USD
After the release of the stable version, you get a program with license for 24 months in a BOX or electronic version. You can choose Polish version or English version
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 1000 of claimed

Special edition of Mimic Mouth

$1,000 USD
After the release of the stable version, you get a program with license for 36 months in a BOX or electronic version and the avatar will have the appearance of your face. You can choose Polish version or English version (ability to model the face, solely at the headquarters comprised in Poland)
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed

Join our team for three days

$5,000 USD
join our team for three days and see how we work at the registered office of the company. Please contact us to determine the conditions
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed

Become our PARTNER!

$10,000 USD
Your name or company name on the cover of the box for each copy sold with a header- ,,They contributed to the creation of Mimic Mouth:...'' Please contact us to determine the conditions
0 out of 5 of claimed

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