- Describe where the funds go if you don’t reach your entire goal.
The Impact
Feel free to explain more about your campaign and let people know how the difference their contribution will make:
- Explain why your project is valuable to the contributor and to the world.
- Point out your successful track record with projects like this (if you have one).
- Make it real for people and build trust.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
- Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!
And that’s all there is to it.
Hello my name is Lawrence robinson and Mindful thinking is the nasme of my counseling/coaching practice. I have been counseling for thirty years with a variety of different people. I special;ize in all addictions, relationships, children; I especially love working with teenagers. We all have been there and they really need a non judgemental place to understand that when you are controlled by your mind, it never tells you to do good. For these kids, there is little that they believe in so I help them to understand life and yo believe in themselves.
I have always wanted to write and it has taken me fifty years to believe that I had it in me and since i had struggled with some health issues, now was the time. I start a page on Facebook called "MindFUl Thinking" and in three and one half months I have just under 5000 followers. I do have something to say and I am amazed at the number of Afraican American kids, Hispanic kids, inner city young people and elderly that have given time in their lives to read. I post evry day and so far i have written one hundred and trwnty posts.I am exccited about this for they are now beginning to reach out and ask questions and tell me about their lives. Ther are so many lonely children and young adults out there that I feel blessed to give them hope. I believe so strongly in that hope. But I cannot reach them all by myself.
All I am looking for is money to allow me to advertize on facebook. I did not realize how much it would be and I so want to reach as many as I can. I hope to eventually do an e-book for them but that comes later. I need your help and belief that we all can change,but no onw really shows us how! Read my posts on Facebook and you will see the enormous aceptance that I have received. I am not a a wealthy person; I am one of those peole who either spent too much or gave it to those who needed it more then me. I never before have asked for help but now I need it. I know that someone out there will understand. I used the picture of an elderly woman who just gives off respect. Teaching this concept: RESPECT and DIGNIty to all is my goal. At this writing I have 11,665 followers on facebook.Pleasae take the time to see for yourself. I will try and go on until I have nothing left...I need your help