Short Summary
Miscellaneous Anonymous is the safe haven for addicts who don't fit into other Anonymous groups. In this film we meet Kelly, Felicity, Freddy, Mitchelle, Sid, and Charli, some unusual addicts who open up about their addictions and discover more about themselves and each other as a result. However, before any significant breakthroughs can be made, Madeline -- a quiet girl who is addicted to the glue on the backs of gift cards -- attempts to clear up some confusion about the others' addictions. She has little luck as the meeting digresses into chaos.
Watch the finished product to get these and other important questions answered!:
- Why does Felicity wear padding and a helmet, but arrive with no bicycle, skateboard, or rollerblades?
- Why did Mitchelle's parents have to spell his name so confusingly?
- Seriously, where did Freddy get that knife from?
Miscellaneous Anonymous is a student film lucky enough to have a talented cast and crew (see below) who represent the best in drama and filmmaking at UC Irvine. The production team, crew, and actors have individually been involved in several award-winning projects, and are coming together on Miscellaneous Anonymous to make you one more! This film can't be made without your generosity, so if you like what you see, please donate what you can. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated!
-The M.A. Production Team
What We Need & What You Get
As college students, we don't exactly have the extra funds available to make the quality product we want to deliver to you. Your donations will be making our vision possible.
Where the money is going:
- Travel costs (gas money to and from set)
- Location rental
- Food (to feed our hardworking cast and crew while shooting)
- Costuming and makeup
- Shipping costs (to send you those wonderful perks!)
- Festival entrance fees
If you can contribute, we would like to thank you by giving you something in return! Depending on the amount of your donation, you can claim a variety of perks -- from a Special Thanks in the credits, to a VIP online screening before the premiere, to a DVD copy of the film signed by a cast or crew member of your choice. See the sidebar for more information!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are pressed for funds, but still want to show your support, there are other ways you can help:
- Spread the word about our project -- the more viewers the better!
- Use the Indiegogo share tool or copy the campaign link to Facebook or other social media pages to help us publicize and reach our fundraising goal.
- Like the Facebook page "Miscellaneous Anonymous" for production updates, promotional photos, and more!
Thank you for your help!